Tasting Pipe tobacco

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Mar 2, 2017
Hi, you all I have read plenty of posts, and I decided to join in and get some answers to my over discussed question. I am a new pipe tobacco smoker, I do not have pipe, however I do hand roll pipe tobacco and I like that so to speak. I smoke Captain Black Royal and Dark which are amazing, and I can definitely smell the room note. However I really want to taste the tobacco and get all these flavors of sweet vanilla and chocolate or caramel or sweet in general. I smoke slow, and I tend to swirl my tongue inside mouth to get a taste of the flavors. However I get tongue bite, and ashtray taste for no reason. Is there any reason for this, and if so, please suggest me techniques of how to get the hang of it. I let also air in to see if it can clear my taste buds, but it doesn't seems to have an effect. I perfect aromatic and Turkish blends.. hence they are the smoothed to taste. Please Help,

Jan 8, 2013
Well your not going to get the flavors you would with a pipe, by rolling most pipe tobacco into a cigarette. Add that as a cigarette, the tobacco is burning too hot, and you're not going to get much more flavor than that ashtray flavor you're talking about. For many, those flavors in an aromatic tobacco are hard to detect anyway. To taste the different tobaccos and different flavoring, it needs to be sipped lightly. You can't achieve that very well with a cigarette. I would suggest purchasing a pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
I do not have pipe

Well, I think this may be a problem. Get a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe. Either continue on with Captain Black or if you want to learn to taste tobacco, Id suggest buying something like Frog Morton Cellar. Some taste and a nice room note.

The problem with a lot of aromatics is that you get a nice room note, but often as is in the case of Cpt Black, no taste.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 29, 2012
Wilmington, De / Ithaca, NY
A Missouri Meerschaum cob pipe might run you $6-$7 at the local drugstore. Don't let the price fool you. There are some on this site that might prefer a $6 cob to a $500 Dunhill.



Mar 25, 2016
If you're rolling this stuff in cigarette paper, that may be where some of the ashtray taste is coming from. As anthonyrosenthal74 has pointed out, you're probably smoking your Captain Black too hot; a cigarette ember burns at a temperature 100-150˚F greater than the ember at the heart of the tobacco chamber of a pipe (I like both CB Royal and Dark myself; nice choices). Unless you're drying that CB out for a lo-ooo-ong time (due to the humectant), your tobacco may be too moist, which can add to that bite.
Also, you need a pipe! (Welcome to the pipe smokers' forum. You knew that was coming. :wink: )
Seriously though, go to Walgreens (or your local equivalent) and pick up a Missouri Meerschaum corn cob pipe. It'll set you back the same as about five packs of rolling paper, will last a lot longer, and you'll enjoy the experience quite a bit more, I think.
(I'll let someone else go into the retrohale ... )



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"However I really want to taste the tobacco and get all these flavors of sweet vanilla and chocolate or caramel or sweet in general."
I think you will find (once you have acquired a pipe) that you will taste either one or the other when it comes to aromatic blends. Rarely will you get to taste the actual tobacco over the added flavourings.
That has been my experience anyway but of course YMMV.



Mar 2, 2017
Hahaha, thanks you all. I might as well get a pipe... corncob it is. Seriously I have high hopes to taste something. :D I want to enjoy it, and I do enjoy smoking pipe tobacco cigarettes which I RYO ... however the only downside is that I do not get all the flavors that I want to get with that particular blend. I will keep you guys posted!

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