Hi all!
First post on the forum, yay
I'm brand new to piping, brand new to smoking in fact. Just completed my second bowl
I know I have a lot to learn, been reading and youtubing a whole lot (absolutely love pipe videos
So far I really like the tranquility of sitting with the pipe, though I have one question: I sit outside when I smoke, and for the full duration of the bowl (both of them
) I don't really taste anything, even while cleaning the pipe after, however, once I get up and go inside, the second I enter, suddenly I taste (and smell) a very strong flavour a mix of ash and what the unburned tobacco smelled like. Is it normal that the taste should come only later?
As I've never smoked anything before, I don't really have a frame of reference. The first tobacco I tried was a virginia flake (and the ashy taste lasted til breakfast the following day), the second was an aromatic. My pipe is a Mr. Brog (pear wood), and with only two smokes clearly still needs breaking in.
First post on the forum, yay
So far I really like the tranquility of sitting with the pipe, though I have one question: I sit outside when I smoke, and for the full duration of the bowl (both of them
As I've never smoked anything before, I don't really have a frame of reference. The first tobacco I tried was a virginia flake (and the ashy taste lasted til breakfast the following day), the second was an aromatic. My pipe is a Mr. Brog (pear wood), and with only two smokes clearly still needs breaking in.