Yes the tobacco and embers expand and rise and have to be pushed back down
shaintiques Lifer Jul 13, 2011 3,616 236 Georgia Sep 26, 2012 #21 Yes the tobacco and embers expand and rise and have to be pushed back down
mcarnevale Lurker Nov 7, 2011 42 0 Colorado Springs, CO Sep 26, 2012 #22 I use my finger to tamp, keeps you from over tamping...just when it starts to go out, then a little light tamp with a finger. Works for me.
I use my finger to tamp, keeps you from over tamping...just when it starts to go out, then a little light tamp with a finger. Works for me.
pstlpkr Lifer Dec 14, 2009 9,694 31 Birmingham, AL Sep 26, 2012 #23 Good tamping technique can greatly extend the time of your smoke... with some concentration and patience. ::
Good tamping technique can greatly extend the time of your smoke... with some concentration and patience. ::