Taming Tongue Bite?

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May 10, 2016
Long Island
OK, I'm done with my smoking for the next few days....I popped open a fresh tin of Edward G Robinson's pipe blend, was looking forward to working my way up to something a little better than the Carter Hall or Velvet I've been puffing....Jeez-a-loo....that stuff bit me like a pissed off viper...Any suggestions on how to "tame the beast"? Should I leave the can open & let it dry some? Very disappointed, smelled great when I popped the can open.... :cry:



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2012
North Idaho
How are you lighting it? Theres a technique to lighting it. If you puff too hard when lighting youre going to burn it hot and cause bite like that. Have you tried giving it a false light and tamping it flat for an even light?



May 10, 2016
Long Island
Was trying to get the even light, just using a butane bic lighter....still trying to master the light, too...usually, I just get a single hot spot that drops down the center, leaving all the stuff on the edges unburned, and when it goes out, I have to mix everything up in the bowl and give it another shot....



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2012
North Idaho
I find it easier to use a wooden match. Just let the match head burn completely before you put it to the tobacco. I usually knock the head off then light with the rest of the match so it doesnt contaminate the taste. I watched some youtube videos on lighting a pipe when i first started. It was pretty helpful. There might even be some on PM. I know there are some great articles on packing but not sure about lighting.



Can't Leave
Dec 8, 2012
North Idaho
Yeah some of those aros kill the tongue. My favorite aros are Trout Stream and Lane 1-Q. I've never gotten tongue bite with either of those, but some others, usually cherry blends, tend to kick me hard. Id definitely recommend picking up an ounce or two of one or both to see if they treat you better.



May 10, 2016
Long Island
Carter Hall's been good to me so far.....The other one I've been having luck with, is some cheapo stuff called "Hot Rod"...I bought it mostly to turn into cigarettes, it has that long, thin, cigarette type cut to it, but it's been doing pretty well pipe wise....maybe because it's fairly dry?



Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 30, 2015
Some blends will bite hard right off the bat, For me there is a maple cavendish that as soon as the smoke hit the roof of my mouth I could feel a chemical burn immediately and in that case there is nothing to do but never smoke that blend. Also check and see if there is any moisture going into the bit. If there is any moisture at all for me I have to stop and clean it out with a pipe cleaner because if any of that moisture hits my mouth almost guaranteed bite later. Alot of moisture can come from the heat generated from lights and relights. Just touch the flame to get a singe then pull away, singe another spot then pull away. Don't keep the flame for long on the tobacco. This gets even more important the further down the bowl you get.
Disclaimer - this is just my personal experience on this topic...



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 5, 2016
Lot's of good insight here. It's probably the moisture content of the topping. Definitely try drying out the tobacco a fair bit before smoking it. Virginias almost always give me tongue bite no matter how slow I sip. Other tobaccos don't generally. Aros have in the past but I don't smoke them any more. I've found that smoking 'bitey' tobaccos in a cob with a filter helps tame them.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I threw a lil more Latakia in the mix, just barely enough to taste a slight whisper of it and I must say, it has tamed EGR significantly. No bite now and it taste pretty good. Not a favorite of mine by any means.



Apr 1, 2013
A sip of water between every 3 puffs washes away the chemicals that cause the bite sensation.



Oct 17, 2013
Some blends just don't work with some smokers. I can't smoke Latakia without getting a real metallic taste in my mouth like I'm chewing tinfoil. Capstan, though I love it, can bite me if I smoke it to hard.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 26, 2016
Well, I have had a few nasty tongue bites lately.. and I found a way to deal with it..

1. While lighting/relighting make sure that you take short, far puffs rather than deep or frequent ones.

2. As much as you can if you can sense the briar getting warmer than comfortable, let it settle for a minute or so

3. Have a cup of something burn soothing beside you.. for me, cold milk works best..



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 16, 2015
Get rid of those aromatics right away if you want to end the tongue bite. I would switch to a good English or Balkan Tobacco like Bengal Slices or maybe Balkan Sobranie. These tobaccos if smoked properly will not give you any tongue bite at all. You have to get away from the sloppy sweet aromatics especially first time pipe smokers are attracted to the fancy sweet rum and other such treated or cased tobaccos. These tobaccos are more for "Room Perfume" than for real pipe smoking tobacco, but everyone has their own opinions. The aromatics too often ruin t he real flavor of the tobacco than enhance it. YOU must make Your own decision.
Jon :puffpipe: :puffpipe:

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