Taming my nicotine addiction

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Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 19, 2018
Middle Tennessee
Cigarettes by their very nature have been designed and engineered to be extremely convenient and addictive. One can light up and within mere minutes have a high level of nicotine coursing through their bloodstreams. The pipe is entirely different. Due to nicotine absorption through the oral mucosa, the effect of the nicotine takes longer to obtain and a lower level of nicotine is delivered.

For me, the nicotine delivery of the pipe, while taking longer to achieve, is ultimately more satisfying and lasts much longer. As a retired RN that dealt extensively in pain management, I feel I can provide a general comparison. You can give a patient an IV dose of pain medication. The effect is powerful and immediate, but quickly metabolized, providing a short window of relief. On the other hand, you can give a patient oral pain medications. They take longer to onset but provide a longer window of pain relief, though not as powerful.

I can smoke a cigarette, but it seems within the hour I'm wanting/needing another. I can leisurely smoke my pipe for 30 minutes to an hour, and can feel satisfied and many times go several hours before desiring another smoke.

Take from this what you will. I have found that pipe smoking is far more satisfying to me than smoking a cigarette. No matter how you approach it, quitting cigarettes is a very difficult endeavor and requires great will power and discipline. When understood, used and enjoyed properly, the pipe can be an aid.


Might Stick Around
Jun 18, 2022
Cigarettes by their very nature have been designed and engineered to be extremely convenient and addictive. One can light up and within mere minutes have a high level of nicotine coursing through their bloodstreams. The pipe is entirely different. Due to nicotine absorption through the oral mucosa, the effect of the nicotine takes longer to obtain and a lower level of nicotine is delivered.

For me, the nicotine delivery of the pipe, while taking longer to achieve, is ultimately more satisfying and lasts much longer. As a retired RN that dealt extensively in pain management, I feel I can provide a general comparison. You can give a patient an IV dose of pain medication. The effect is powerful and immediate, but quickly metabolized, providing a short window of relief. On the other hand, you can give a patient oral pain medications. They take longer to onset but provide a longer window of pain relief, though not as powerful.

I can smoke a cigarette, but it seems within the hour I'm wanting/needing another. I can leisurely smoke my pipe for 30 minutes to an hour, and can feel satisfied and many times go several hours before desiring another smoke.

Take from this what you will. I have found that pipe smoking is far more satisfying to me than smoking a cigarette. No matter how you approach it, quitting cigarettes is a very difficult endeavor and requires great will power and discipline. When understood, used and enjoyed properly, the pipe can be an aid.
That's the general idea at least for me. I been practicing self control at home before I even switch to the pipe. I try waited longer to lite up when the needs hit me. The exception to the rule is when I'm ready to bite somebody's head off. Than I looked at pipes one day thinking they look cool and started to do some research to find out you normally don't inhale pipe tobacco. So I told myself if I can do this and practice moderation than I would switch if not than the other option was a full quit. Like the good book says if your eye causes you to sin pluck it out. My opinion on that quote is if there is something in your life you can't control then remove it from your life. What I didn't expect that the trade off for the lease inconvenient method to the address nicotine it's a more enjoyable method. The pipe tobacco change my taste and not to sound uppity I find cigarettes beneath me now. Like which would you rather have a salisbury steak or a good T-Bone.
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Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2021
@Mattww89 Smoking pipes has helped me quite cigarettes accidentally. Like yourself, I just find smoking a pipe much more satisfying and it got to the point I wasn't enjoying the cigarettes at all. On top of that, since I stopped cigarettes, the cravings have more or less gone. The desire is still there, but not the urgency like before. I also feel a lot 'healthier'.

I don't think there is any harm in a bowl or two a day, but if you are struggling sometimes I've found having a small pipe (like a Vauen Minni or a smaller Cob) can be a good 'short' smoke. The one big benefit cigarettes have is their speed, especially in a world that won't let us slow down!


May 7, 2022
I thought I'd give a little update on my progress mainly around work.
When I first started I would smoke a bowl in between brakes. It was an ideal but I'm fighting an addiction. Now I have a bowl on my lunch break and hoping I can work on maybe just have a bowl in the morning and a bowl at the end of the day. Healthwise I'm already improving. I don't get as winded as much as I used to and needs last breaks during the day . The pipe is a really great tool for learning self-control and practicing moderation. I try to use my pipe time with my Bible studies something I also struggle with but I am trying. Other time's I'll simply listen to music.
I have a studio connected to my skateshop where I try to go everyday, got a couple of jarred VA’s and a cob rotation there. I read one chapter of the Bible first thing when I get there, smoke, contemplate ,and write a little about the chapter. My wife got me this whole collection of all the books of the Bible each in its own separate book with blank pages for notes at each chapter , it’s really sweet. Even just a taste of the good book everyday changes that day forever. So keep it up ,sounds like you are working on some self improvement and it’s working for you. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but every once in a while I like to listen to Kieth Green when I need a pick me up with my walk with the Lord the album “ for him who has ears to hear” is one of my favorites . If I need a stout reminder or want to trip out my friends on a road trip I pop in Satan is Real by the Louvin Brothers. That album is strange and beautiful. Keep on keepin on brother…


May 7, 2022
I Don’t need or want a cigarette from day to day unless…? and then all bets are off.

I’ve tried taking the pipe for an outing to the pub, doing my bit for the public face of the pipe smoker and all that. I can finish the pipe and almost instantly want a cigarette and then 20 just seem to vanish. I’ve tried similar with cigars but the same thing happens.

It’s like lamb and mint sauce, roast beef and horseradish, hot dogs and mustard; Guinness and cigarettes go so well together but so bad for me. The older I get the worse it gets.

There’s obviously a lot of bad stuff in cigs but I’m now convinced that they must add more nicotine (or other addictive elements) to them.
I completely hear you on this that’s when I bring the cob and break out the 5 brothers, am I inhaling? Yes I am , I’m rather drunk and need a bit of the vitamin N at the moment…
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Might Stick Around
Jun 18, 2022
I have a studio connected to my skateshop where I try to go everyday, got a couple of jarred VA’s and a cob rotation there. I read one chapter of the Bible first thing when I get there, smoke, contemplate ,and write a little about the chapter. My wife got me this whole collection of all the books of the Bible each in its own separate book with blank pages for notes at each chapter , it’s really sweet. Even just a taste of the good book everyday changes that day forever. So keep it up ,sounds like you are working on some self improvement and it’s working for you. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but every once in a while I like to listen to Kieth Green when I need a pick me up with my walk with the Lord the album “ for him who has ears to hear” is one of my favorites . If I need a stout reminder or want to trip out my friends on a road trip I pop in Satan is Real by the Louvin Brothers. That album is strange and beautiful. Keep on keepin on brother…
Thanks I'm still at the infancy of truly walking into the path although I was always raised into the religion. I see the sad truth that most people only go to church to get there feel goods unaware of there living a lukewarm Christian. That the shell I am trying to break. Society has been tricked into living a life with out study in prayer. I still struggle but I can feel the transformation slowly but surely.

Franco Pipenbeans

Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 7, 2021
Yorkshire, England
I spent a very contented morning today making a bolognaise from scratch, using the tomatoes from the plants and mince from the supermarket.
It took me a while, I had a bowl of Walnut flake and a bowl of Germain’s brown flake while I did it and I listened to the Malcolm Guite interview on the pipes magazine podcast; it was a very serene morning.
That’s why I love the pipe; you get on with stuff, listen to things, enjoy the moment. It was great.


Part of the Furniture Now
Dec 31, 2012
I quit smoking for 6 years cold turkey. Read that book “ easy way to stop smoking”- Allen Carr…

Only problem?
I quit reading books, I quit writing songs, I quit playing guitar altogether.
I was a nervous overwhelmed wreck all the time.

My label called me and said what’s up man ? You haven’t made a record in 6 years, should we take you off the roster?

I bought a pack of camel straights and a white board and got to work editing 6 years of scrambled notes and listened back on 6 years of “ song ideas”. Read my favorite authors latest books. My wife likes me again. I can think straight. Oh and I have 3 new releases scheduled for fall.

I explained my problem to a friend a cigar smoker, he said I should take up the pipe and be more intentional about my nicotine intake.
Now I’ve taken up the pipe and I’ll never look back. Just sitting and really enjoying a 15-45 minute bowl ( tobacco depending) 5-8 times a day is so much more satisfying, and relaxing. I feel in control and excited to sip the smoke and ponder rather that just feed my addiction. I’m not even keeping him at bay just making friends with him, life’s too short, enjoy your small vices, but never let them control you.

Best of luck with your relationship ?
What's your name you go under for your music, what kid of music?


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 10, 2019
North Carolina
The pipe has helped me to cut back on my Camels, but I haven't quit completely. The reason is time. At work I only get 3 15 minute breaks in 12 hrs. With no lunch break. I work on a huge campus. By the time I get to the smoking area I have burned 4 min. No real time to enjoy the pipe. Same thing when I go to the store or a resturant.
However when I am at home I put the cigs up. I have time to enjoy my pipe. I love it way more than the cigs. I retire next year. Hopefully getting away from the job will give me more time to enjoy my pipe and dump the cigarettes.

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
After smoking a pipe for over 60 years most people might think I have a nicotine addiction. If I say I don't have one they won't believe me. Why do I say I don't? Because, if I'm busy doing other things I can go for days without the pipe. A while back I spent two weeks out of the country without a pipe and didn't have a problem. My real problem is not physical but in my head. Whenever it sit down at this computer I have a strong urge to pick up a pipe. As a matter of fact, this is about the only time I smoke now days.... and boy, do I. puffy


Might Stick Around
Jun 18, 2022
The funny thing is everybody keep asking what about mouth cancer. Last time I checked mouth cancer is a little easier to deal with than lung cancer and this are the same people that would loud there lungs with weed smoke.

Searock Fan

Oct 22, 2021
Southern U.S.A.
The funny thing is everybody keep asking what about mouth cancer. Last time I checked mouth cancer is a little easier to deal with than lung cancer and this are the same people that would loud there lungs with weed smoke.
No one can guarantee a person won't get mouth cancer. All I can say is that in my 60+ years of pipe smoking and in the thousands of pipe smokers I've met, I never encountered it. puffy
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