It never ceases to amaze me how people can spend years on this forum, and yet flippantly disregard such a complex question. There is the taste that the briar brings, the bowl size and shape and proportions, length of the stem, bowl coatings or lack of, stem material, draft size and proportions, and color. So many damned variables.
Of course some blends taste better in some pipes than others. But, we are also dealing with a forum where one day, Eight State Burley is so unique, nothing else like it, and the next day, what does it matter because it is silly to taste things in the smoke. Reviewers are full of shit. One day, the pipe is essential, and the next day, the same people say that the pipe doesn't matter. We are a forum full of schizophrenics that can't stick to a mantra for more than a few minutes.
Now, the pipe dynamics and qualities that you decide makes a specific pipe more of a Virginia pipe, may not be the same as how another choses to use the pipe. This subjectivism makes the concept more complex and hard to discuss. Quality itself is a construct of man, a means of adding value and structure to a chaotic universe, it serves no real purpose, it's endless and infinite, unfathomable and subjective. And, in this search for quality, the only dogmatic destination is madness. However, it is fun and adds value by mulling over the qualities, but when we start pinning down "quality" and sharing your discovery with others, we realize that the world doesn't fit our own way of thinking... then we start wondering whether we are mad, or is the world insane. I vote for both. We are all mad here. We taste the indescribable, and describe the unfathomable. And, we have members here that actually think that a cover band should be judged by how close they sound to the original bands that they cover. Fuckin' nutters here.