Taking Apart a Kaywoodie

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Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
I know one of the "rules" of smoking pipes is "Thou shalt not take apart a hot pipe".

That's usually an easy commandment to follow, but all of my other pipes pass a pipe cleaner to sop up extra moisture mid-smoke.
This Kaywoodie that I picked up is something new to me, as I've never had a pipe with a stinger. Is it safe to take this pipe apart while hot, to stick a pipe cleaner in?

Edit: Corrected capitalization in title per Rule #9. L.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 22, 2013
I think that the answer is yes, it is okay. Largely because the screw mechanism does not swell with heat like "regular" pipes do in that area. Having said that, I have a Kaywoodie much like yours, and have no difficulty clearing it during the smoke with a pipe cleaner. It gets it cleaned from at least the button to the bowl-end of the stinger fine.



Dec 30, 2012
Sam knows his stuff so I'd go with his answer. I too however just use a tapered pipe cleaner and that gets to the end of the stinger and usually that addresses all the moisture concerns.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 6, 2013
I have a lot of Kaywoodies and unscrew them while smoking if I need to. I've never had a problem.
BTW, yaddy, I like yours quite a bit. I've seen Yelloboles like that, but haven't run across a Kaywoodie yet.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
BTW, yaddy, I like yours quite a bit. I've seen Yelloboles like that, but haven't run across a Kaywoodie yet.
Thanks, pipingruotsi.

It cost me a pretty penny, though.

$3.99 at Valu Village and some elbow grease.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
Whoosh! Big spender! lol Do you have any before pics?
Sorry, nope.
A follow-up question, though: I've heard people talk about "removing" a stinger. Not that I think I want to do that, but how do you even do that? How would the stem attach? Or is that applicable only to a different kind of stinger?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 6, 2013
On a Kaywoodie, you would have to saw the ball end off. I wouldn't recommend it. Most other makers I've seen have push in stingers and a normal tenon.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
It's not okay to take apart a Kaywoodie when it is hot. You run the risk of losing the alignment between the stem and the shank when you do that. The part of the aluminum fitment that is in the shank is actually glued in and the glue goes slightly soft when warm. The reason that you see Kaywoodie pipes with the stem off of level is because the stem was removed and then retightened when the pipe was still warm. Over time the alignment can shift quite a lot.
The way that a pipe repairman fixes the alignment is by heating the shank and turning the stem until it is back in alignment.
A little known fact is that new Kaywoodies were sold with the stem slightly underclocked so that they would rotate into a level alignment when slightly impatient pipesters removed the stem before the pipe cooled off.



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
A little known fact is that new Kaywoodies were sold with the stem slightly underclocked so that they would rotate into a level alignment when slightly impatient pipesters removed the stem before the pipe cooled off.

sablebrush, that makes a lot of sense. The stem on mine looks like it needs to be screwed in another 5-10 degrees to make the bit "level". I certainly didn't want to force it, though.
I wouldn't alter that pipe. It's a pre-war four-hole, and you got an incredible deal!

cynyr, do you know something I don't? The shank is stamped "Kaywoodie Chessman London England 118". My research led me to believe this pipe was made in the 1980's sometime. (By the way, love your tumblr site.)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 29, 2013
Instead of the usual second traced up the line. That's the other way around. Most were seconds under Yello-bole Checker Line.
Nice job on the restore too. I don't doubt your word so please don't take my post as callin anything or anyone out. I am far from an expert, but that doesn't look like an 80s kaywoodie to me either. You got a nice one there.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
As a collector, I won't buy a Kaywoodie that has been gelded. Gelded Kaywoodie's resell for less than intact Kaywoodies. It's a complete deal breaker for me. But if you don't care about resale value then the integrity of the pipe isn't an issue.

Unfortunately, the best Kaywoodie site, the Kaywoodie Compendium, was taken down by its host last year. There's nothing else even remotely as good for detailed info as was that site. We return to an age of ignorance and darkness, sigh.

From what I've been told by other collectors, Kaywoodie stopped using the 4 hole stingers around 1947-48 in the US. I don't know about the English product.

When I need to clean out the airway around the stinger, I look for the thinnest pipe cleaners, both bristle and cotton. Dip a cleaner in alcohol, and gently rotate it into the airway, continuing until the cleaner emerges from the bit. Then a little back and forth through the airway and out through the bit. Usually only takes one to two passes to clean out the interior.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 6, 2013
I use dental brushes to clean out the stingers. They are the perfect size! Similar to a shank brush, but about 1/10 the size. I get them at the dollar store, Plackers brand, 4 pack. They're useful for getting into the corners on buttons too.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 6, 2013
yaddy, how many holes are actually in that stinger? From the pic, it looks to me like it's a three hole.



Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 12, 2012
D'oh! I can clearly see, I'm totally wrong. Mea maxima culpa! :oops:
But I'm glad you enjoy the Slow Puffs Tumblr. I spend too much time on it.

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