Taking A Hiatus From Smoking

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Jan 8, 2013
Definitely a good idea to take a break, I had some bone shaved in my mouth a year or so ago, and the docs warned me against any kind of smoking. You want the tissue to stay moist, and smoke will dry it out and cause complications. Besides, smoking in general slows the healing process. That said, I hope it heals quickly and your up to full speed soon.
As for planned breaks, no, I don't have any. But sometimes I get a little bingey, and roast my mouth pretty bad. Then I have to lay off the pipes, and spicy foods, for a few days to recover.



Mar 25, 2014
Anticipation is a good thing. And just think how tasty the first pipe load will be! It’ll certainly be worth the wait.
I purposely take week-long breaks from daily smoking. I mostly do this because I’ve been a life-long non smoker that took up the pipe hobby later in life, and I know how addicting the big N can be!
A great thing about participating in these forums is it gives me a way to experience my favorite pastime without having to always be smoking a pipe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m thinking about pipes and tobacco more than the average bear, but I want it to always be a pleasure and never a necessity.
Get well soon sablebrush52.



Jun 23, 2013
The Hills of Tennessee
Hope the healing process goes well for you, sable!

As for the breaks, I don't plan them, but they happen from time to time, though it's usually only a few days.

I did go 4 or 5 months without a pipe at one point, mainly due to my schedule. I just didn't have time to smoke a pipe.
Anyway, hope you heal quickly!




Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 31, 2013
I take a week off here and there, usually due to weather or travel or something. I like to know that I can do it. When I can't do that anymore, it ceases to be a pleasure and starts to be an addiction.
The first few bowls back are amazing.
Best of luck.



Might Stick Around
Mar 28, 2013
Cleveland, TN
I've lost family to cancer and to lung disease so I will never pick up a cigarette. The great thing about a Pipe is that, from my experience, is not usually addictive. I don't smoke nearly as much as I want to due to my schedule, so no, I don't take premeditated breaks. However, I believe there to be some good in them.
"Cigarettes are an addiction

Cigars are a hobby

Pipes are a religion"
Few truer words were ever spoken.

As well, I pray for a speedy recovery.



Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2013
In the winter when I am at my parents house I have a few week long forced breaks. Too cold in upstate NY to smoke outside in the winter. I wind up missing my pipes and spend even more time on these forums, its a vicious circle.

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