Today is somewhat my day off, only work three hours tonight, so I visited both the B&M by me, got a tin of FMOT and then while just looking around at the second one, I found some bulk PENZANCE! While I've never tried it, I have yet to hear bad reviews from those who have. So I will be trying that out next week after I have broken the new pipe in with something more familiar, Presbyterian.
Lastly, I was wondering how and where you guys store your tobacco and pipe stuff, I have all of mine on a shelf right now, but it is quickly becoming too full, especially since I have a decent sized order coming in this weekend. I am planning on moving from the bail jars I have now to mason jars, better on space IMO.
Here is what it is now, and don't worry, the homemade humidor has cigars in it, not pipe tobacco
Lastly, I was wondering how and where you guys store your tobacco and pipe stuff, I have all of mine on a shelf right now, but it is quickly becoming too full, especially since I have a decent sized order coming in this weekend. I am planning on moving from the bail jars I have now to mason jars, better on space IMO.
Here is what it is now, and don't worry, the homemade humidor has cigars in it, not pipe tobacco