Switching to pipe or not,

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Jul 28, 2016
Hello Folks,If you dont mind, just wanna ask you something,i'm an occasional pipe smoker,(1-2 bowls per days of non aromatics)yet owning a pretty descent pipe collection of 10 briars of quality brand names such as Petes,Savis, Stanwells and on+presumably do know how to smoke and fill pipes properly,lesser or better degree,but unfortunately am still keeping on my (sic!)30 + year bad habit of smoking RYO Kentucky Dark fired Cigarettes brand of Van Nelle,yet cigars and sometimes of Factory made unfiltered cigarettes like Luckies or Camel.Yes I do like pipe smoking very much but find it a little too time consuming process ,even more that I do happen to like many flake tobaccos.Now reaching my 50ies i'm feeling is better to stop or gradually lessen the use of these Ryo cigarettes-even if I do exercise and practice various sports in regular basis. How you do seee this my trubled situation?Shall I keep using my pipes in combination of other tobacco forms, or get and quit 'em cigarettes and cigars cold turkey?The task,which seems to me unbearable,no I'm not thinking of quitting smoking but switching to another form of tobacco use+ I do make lots of driving, which may rise some obstacles to pipe smoking too,if one is not such a experienced smoker like many among of you members here,perhaps are some here any who were struggling the same situation in their past? Ps. Nowadays the factory made cigarettes in Europe are real Crap in comparition to those US produced ones,being so weak in flavour profile due to our Government restrictions)Thank You for tipping me off and God Bless

May 4, 2015
Hello and welcome.
I've had intentions in the past of using the pipe to somehow replace my cigarette smoking. I'm still smoking cigarettes. I've found them to be completely and totally separate activities and one seems to have little to do with the other. The fact that they are both forms of tobacco consumption is apparently completely irrelevant. It didn't work for me.
If you told me I could only have one or the other, I would chose the pipe, of course.
The only way you'll quit the cigarettes is if you really want to. If you really want to, it shouldn't be a problem. I apparently haven't wanted to up to this point.
I would recommend that if you're trying to use the pipe to help you quit smoking cigarettes, try and avoid the bad habit of inhaling the smoke to get the nicotine hit. If you get in to that routine, you've done yourself no favors.

Jul 28, 2016
Oh yes, do completly agree with you,seems we are in the same boat, Happily, I do not inhale rather than few puffs in when starting the bowl, otherwise from my experience in past,the result, the pipe will knock ya very soon out. Thank You for your kind reply.

10 pm

May 4, 2015
Happily, I do not inhale rather than few puffs in when starting the bowl
I'm not a doctor - so take this as you will.
If you're intentionally inhaling even "a few puffs" of your pipe, you're doing so for the nicotine (nothing wrong with that). BUT, you're contemplating giving up cigarettes for the health concerns. Even a "few puffs" of your pipe tobacco could contain as much if not more harmful tars and chemicals as a whole cigarette.
Something to consider.
If you're giving up cigarettes, think of it as "giving up the rush of nicotine that you're used to." Any that you get from the pipe is great - but shouldn't be the primary goal. Otherwise, you're going to make quitting the cigarettes very difficult on yourself. My 2 cents.

Jul 28, 2016
All true you said, perhaps some later ,I will try some cold turkey method for ,say two weeks without any cigarettes smoked and see what happens, althogether, I find pipe smoke much broader in tastewise spectrum than any of Cigarettes or Cigars.



Nov 18, 2013
My feeling is anyone who can quit cigarettes completely by switching to non-inhaled pipe smoking could just as easily quit smoking altogether. Without inhalind, less nic is absorbed and over a longer time span. That's why old time pipesmokers pretty much puffed all day long constantly. In fact my dad's buddy who smoked a pipe used to have a cigarette before the pipe, and sometimes another one after. And he inhaled the first light of the pipe.
It's a whole nother ballgame for guys who never smoked cigarettes. They can tend to smoke nic-less aros strictly for the taste. And they tend to be the ones who complain of nic sickness even without inhaling.

Jul 28, 2016
All this is so true, Thanks, but could you imagine with my 35+ year smoking experience I'find myself pretty sensitive to nicotine and thats why am somewhat hesitant to smoke Dunhill tobaccos with Latakia, and just not long ago smoked Full Kentucky flake tobaccos

but no way those dark fired flakes were too full and too much loaden of Nic that I couldnt handle them and much always did feel 'dizzy after them ,even though my RYO Is made out of 100% Dark Fired Ketucky Burley. Althogheter never didint I smoke much

12Pm central eu time )



Apr 1, 2013
Maybe just a coincidence, but after the FDA regs were announced, there seems to be a never ending flow of new forum members asking how they can smoke cigarette tobacco in their pipes, or if its all right to take big lung hits of pipe tobacco.

May 4, 2015
I've noticed one instance of the first (the context of which was lost on you, apparently), and none of the last.
Maybe I missed it, or you're referencing a different forum.



Might Stick Around
Aug 31, 2015
I never actually quit smoking 2+ packs a day. I just found myself smoking a pipe more and more. One day I went to roll a cigarette and found my can of Bali Shag dried out. I made a mental note to pick up another can. That was 6 years ago and I still can't remember to pick one up. In essence, cigarettes quit me.BTW, at that time I was owner of a snack food route and did a fair amount of driving. I actually found smoking a pipe while driving to be more convenient.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2011
Nicotine is in your brain within 10 seconds of your first, and each, drag on a cigarette. Non-inhaled pipe smoke delivers its nicotine to your brain in 20 minutes.

Thanks to Old Joe Krantz I kicked a 2 pack a day habit DEAD Cold nearly three years ago and have not had a cigarette since. No, I do not inhale my pipe smoke and can voluntarily not smoke for days if and when I choose now.

Pack your pipe, light it, and SLOW down.

Jul 28, 2016
Yes,dear Sirs, something like you are describing is happening with me now,pipes are'growing on me eventually, my aim now is to diminue the use of cigarettes to a minimum. Thank you for all of you for interesting comments.

Ps- no way that RYO tobacco are to be smoked in pipe unless it is one of those pretty hot burning but tasty French Scaferlati/Caporal or Semoins blends,and as rule, they tend to be on the dryer side.

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