Swelling under the tongue

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I cooked my salivary glands smoking too dang fast when I started. I kept trying to smoke my pipe like a cigarette. This is what it sounds like. Just take a break from it, and when you come back, slow wayyyyyyy dowwwwwwwwwwnnnn.

The best advice I got was to smoke the pipe on the verge of going out. That slow.

When I was growing up around pipemen in the family, I remembered that they would never make big billowing clouds of smoke. You never saw smoke coming from them. They just allowed the smoke to passively come through their mouths while never really puffing except occasionally to stoke the fire, so to speak.
***but, some guys do like to make big billowing clouds. If that's your things, then go with it. However, since the nicotine enters the blood stream through the small blood vessels of your mouth, if you just puff the smoke out, you're really not smoking a pipe, you're just wasting tobacco to the air. Think, small sips and allow it to flow around inside your mouth. No one should be able to see the smoke from across the room, ...if your smoking the pipe, and not just making a theatrical cloud for the sake of burning tobacco. Just my opinion. :puffy:



Jun 28, 2014
Ohh, it didn't take 10 days to heal... It was like 2 or 3. I stopped for 10 days, just to be pretty sure it was healed.



Jun 28, 2014
So I went to the most 'specialist' tobacco seller here in Budapest, but, unfortunately, the guy can't speak english...

There are not many options for me, I think...

Some of the available brands are: Black Gold, Jacht, Tilbury, Stanislaw, Helsingor, Stanwell, W-o-Larsen, Borkum Riff...
I took some pictures of the shelf:

Should I risk this Virginia?



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
I'm a doctor and would not give advice over the web to anyone with the exception of his circumstance; see you doctor. I heartily agree with Sable on this one. The swelling might be benign and then again maybe not. My wife's major concern with my pipe smoking is mouth cancer, not without justification.



Feb 13, 2013
Holy fuck bro totally go to the hospital!! It sounds like you burnt ur mouth and it swelled that's freaking crazy!!!!! My body has never swelled up a bit on reaction to a burn or turned red or hurt!!!!!! I wouldn't go with that virginia, virginia isn't for beginner pipers, I'd go with w.o. Larson or stanwell, smoke slowly, ignore the nanny's chimping out about a probable case of smoking a pipe too fast that will cost money for a doctor to tell you he doesn't know, see if it happens again or not. Jesus christ



Feb 13, 2013
http://www.tobaccoreviews.com/browse Here glim use this to check out the blends to get an idea of what they're like before buying. My mouth would hurt for about 2 days after when I started, now I can smoke 3 bowls a day with no issues, let us know what you pick and how it goes.



Jun 28, 2014
Thanks for the info, andrew...
So I've been taking all those cares you guys told me, for the past 2 days, with slow sipping draws and so... 2/3 bowl/day with Cap. Black just to be sure it was a problem of technic and not chemical/allergy.

My mouth is perfectly fine. I think it was bad practices, just because I'm a beginner.
I threw away the MacBite, and ordered 3 different bulks from 4noggins.
Thank you all for supporting me...



Aug 3, 2010
I see you may have fiqured it out, but I'll throw my two cents in here. Watch where you are putting the stem on the churchwarden, I have found that I will let it slip under my tongue and kinda rest there when I smoke mine. Very bad habit, as under your tongue is the soft spot! It may be getting irritated without you even knowing.



Feb 13, 2013
Glad to see you got it worked out, that's what I figured it was, I remember the top of my mouth getting puffy when I first started smoking, and if you kept smoking and didn't stop it would just get worse obviously. Now that I can see those pictures up close I can recommend Amphora full aroma in the red pouch, that's a great blend that was discontinued actually for us in North America, I would go snap that up and give it a try. It's a nice sweet blend but you still taste the tobacco and it's quality stuff. You can get quality tobacco in pouches and you have a pretty good selection there actually and when I did the currency exchange a tin of peterson was about 14$ canadian so you've actually got pretty good prices. I would not get Hyde park though as it's a like it or hate it tobacco with alot of people that seem to detest it. The Macbaren Vanilla cream I can see in the picture I would try too, alot of people do enjoy it. Now that your technique is coming along you will probably not have that problem anymore. The prices are quite good so it's not quite the risk taking involved, where I live that pouch of Amphora red would cost me 40$ Canadian. You just have to decide do you enjoy flavored tobacco or non-flavored, and then if you want non-flavored there's some english blends I saw. Really you've got some decent prices so I'd go grab a pouch of amphora while you're waiting for your shipment, I have no idea how long it would take to get to where you are. I figure perhaps 2 weeks. But Amphora full aroma I can recommend to you with confidence it's a great quality tobacco with a great room note. Just remember to smoke it slow.



Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 26, 2013
Great Falls, VA
Although I recommended talking with your doctor, sadly to say, very few know anything about pipe smoking (I do newborn intensive care so most of my patients do not have this issue, LOL). This was not always the case but if your GP knows anything he can be helpful; maybe even more if he does a little research...

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