"Black Cavendish, Aged Virginias and White Burley are blended together in a unique fashion, topped with spices." - Sutliff
I'm almost always a fan of Sutliff Private Stock deliveries, usually unique, high quality, and well-crafted; this is no exception.
Cracking the can greets with chocolate and vanilla wafting, which is confusing (did they put in the right stuff here? Is this Dark and Silky?). Packed my Peterson Dracula 999, dedicated to Balkans, and gave it a go..
Smooth flavors of Burley and wood-infused Virginia come through, and then nutmeg up front with cumin and paprika, along with a complex combination of cayenne pepper, cinnamon, turmeric, touch of aniseed, hint of sesame seed oil, and saffron powder distant. The aniseed reminded me of Latakia a bit.
Reminds me of the complexity of Sasieni Balkan with its exotic depth, but a bit backwards, where the Sasieni Balkan has those spices waaaay back as an after-taste, this has the spices way up front instead.
Nice and exotic flavor without being overpowering. If you like Balkans, you'll probably also like this, but the Cavendish smooths it out significantly.