I agree, I've been very pleased with Sutliff Match blends. Quality product and a more than reasonable price.Aromatics aren't my main event, so I haven't smoked these, but a recent order of Sutliff matches was pleasing. I like them better than Lane and some more premium blends.
That's exactly what I think when I smoke both of the ones I've had. Maybe honey is the slight casing flavor? The oaty, slight chocolate flavors most likely comes from the combination of Virginias and Burley on these.Honey-Nut Cheerios
Nice review! ThanksI just got my little bag of PS Cube Cut. I'd put it right in the middle between Sutliff RR Match and Golden Extra.
It has the chocolate and burley flavours up front, but not nearly as pronounced as the Sutliff RR Match, and the Virginias as also subtly there. It's hard to compare it to Mac Baren anything, because Mac Baren's signature cavendish sweetness is its own thing.
It was easy to codger scoop out of the bag, tap to settle, and then it took a couple of matches to really get going.
It's a real gem. I like all these tobaccos. If I get to retire someday, and can sit on my porch in the mid-morning with my fresh coffee and scrutinize the passers-by, it will be with one of these easy going burleys as accompaniment.