So I received 8oz. of Sutliff: 515 RC-1 from SP last week. I plan to do some blending and pressing with it. When I pulled the bag out of the box it smelled sweet and delicious. It sat like this for a couple of days. So about 3 days ago I decided to crack open the bag and pull some out to give it a try straight. Well, I know the description says “tangy”, but DUDE, the nasal hit when I put the open bag to my nose is so sharp it legit hits like rubbing alcohol. I can still detect the mature red sweetness, but only through the smelling salts. Is this normal for this blend? I also jarred an ounce and let it sit with the lid off for like 4 hours to see if it mellows out when it dries a bit. I still seems as sharp.
Maybe I just need to bowl some up and give it a try! But first, seriously, is this normal?
Maybe I just need to bowl some up and give it a try! But first, seriously, is this normal?