I know that Prince Albert and Carter Hall are extremely popular drugstore tobaccos, but what are your opinions on Sugar Barrel?
There is something about the descriptions I've read that make it seem more enticing than almost every other OTC blend I've ever heard about. A no-nonsense burley with some pleasant sweetness. Aromatic notes of brown sugar, oatmeal cookies, but with a real tobacco flavour. Do you folks who've tried this brand find that description to be accurate? Do you think it tastes, smells, and burns good or would you rather leave it behind?
There are mixed reviews to be found online, but a very high proportion of those are well-written glowingly positive ones. I trust all of your opinions more. Hope to hear a few voices on the subject! I'm probably going to order 2oz on my next order just so I can make a personal judgment on the matter. Being a devoted cob smoker, I hope Sugar Barrel won't let me down in my Country Gentleman.
Thanks, guys!
There is something about the descriptions I've read that make it seem more enticing than almost every other OTC blend I've ever heard about. A no-nonsense burley with some pleasant sweetness. Aromatic notes of brown sugar, oatmeal cookies, but with a real tobacco flavour. Do you folks who've tried this brand find that description to be accurate? Do you think it tastes, smells, and burns good or would you rather leave it behind?
There are mixed reviews to be found online, but a very high proportion of those are well-written glowingly positive ones. I trust all of your opinions more. Hope to hear a few voices on the subject! I'm probably going to order 2oz on my next order just so I can make a personal judgment on the matter. Being a devoted cob smoker, I hope Sugar Barrel won't let me down in my Country Gentleman.
Thanks, guys!