The order has arrived! I haven't had the chance to smoke any of them yet, but here's some tin note sniff test thoughts as I get them all transferred into 8 oz Ball jars.
Kelly's Coin: Oh this one smells like something I'm going to like! The aroma is very much like that of Pegasus, which is a current favorite of mine, but much much darker and stronger smelling in the Burley department. It's similar to Old Joe Krantz Blue Label as well, but significantly darker smelling still.
Irish Flake: I thought this was going to be my favorite on tin note, but it actually smells kind of repulsive to me. There is that dark fired aroma, but with a sickly sweetness to it like licorice that had been boiled down to tar. I'm not going to be in any hurry to try this one.
Royal Yacht: Oh my goodness! I've never smelled anything quite like this before, and it's positively mouthwatering! To me Royal Yacht has an aroma like a freshly baked vanilla cupcake with marzipan and something else sweet that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's extremely pleasant. Blueberry muffin maybe? In any case, this may be one of the best tin notes I've ever smelled!
Nightcap: I've had this one many times before so it's not new to me, but it's easily my favorite (and probably the richest) English blend aroma I've ever smelled. So dark and campfirey! I just can't get enough of this stuff.
1792 Flake: Huh... burnt firecracker. It smells just like an exploded Black Cat firecracker. An odd aroma for a pipe tobacco to have, but I like it! Reminds me of smell of the evening air on the 4th of July after everyone has lit off all their fireworks, which conjures up all sorts of pleasant memories. I'll be looking forward to trying this one!
War Horse Bar: Now this is an odd one with all sorts of strange scents going on, but it weirdly reminds me of the Nakhla Single Apple hookah tobacco that used to be a favorite of mine back when I smoked a hookah many long years ago. It's quite an odd smelling blend, but not in a bad way and I feel like I'm probably going to enjoy smoking it.
Kendal Dark: It's dark fired Virginia and it smells just like you'd imagine dark fired Virginia to smell! It reminds me a lot of the old pouches of Drum RYO cigarette tobacco you used to find in drug stores, and it's making my mouth water a little.
Coniston Cut Plug: I was expecting this to have a fair bit of Lakeland essence going on (which is why I ordered it) but I honestly can't smell any here. The only aromas I'm getting are dark fired Kentucky, Burley, and Virginia. Did Gawith just forget to sauce this batch? I'm sure it'll still be plenty tasty, but I was really hoping to get some Lakeland essence with this one and there just doesn't seem to be any here.
Whew! That's everything! I'm not sure which I'm going to smoke first, though Royal Yacht and Kendal Dark definitely have the most alluring tin notes to me. What I do know though is that I'll be saving Irish Flake for last!