I just lit a match to light my pipe and the head broke off lit and landed on my shirt and I literally caught on fire! I got it out quickly but still gave me a heck of a scare, and ruined the shirt.
Oh sure, but I figured that went without saying. Although, there's this Willie guy who has been poking around here shootin' his mouth off about how he's going to mess him up. I don't know, that Jim's a mean one!and dont mess around with Jim
And this is why I have a son. 8OAint humans a funny creature. we all know not to do things yet we do them anyway.
It's only common sense because people keep doing it wrong. If everyone stopped lighting themselves on fire via matches... who's gonna tell me how to do it the RIGHT way. haha fire... good times.... and bad...mostly good, but the bad ones stick out don't they?isnt that common sense? like dont pee into the wind? or dont walk across the road without looking both ways?