I like to make my coffee in a stove-top percolator. I've regularly made coffee for others in drip brew
machines, automated and manual, electric percolator pots, French press, espresso, and various
other methods. Incidentally, as a tot just after World War II, I remember my parents making their
morning coffee cowboy style in a pot with the grounds thrown in, with maybe some egg shells to
make the grounds settle. But stove-top percolators are my favorite way to brew the coffee I like best.
The flavor is more developed, to my taste. It's really the only way to go. The pots have become
expensive, but not compared to other methods. Try it.
machines, automated and manual, electric percolator pots, French press, espresso, and various
other methods. Incidentally, as a tot just after World War II, I remember my parents making their
morning coffee cowboy style in a pot with the grounds thrown in, with maybe some egg shells to
make the grounds settle. But stove-top percolators are my favorite way to brew the coffee I like best.
The flavor is more developed, to my taste. It's really the only way to go. The pots have become
expensive, but not compared to other methods. Try it.