I've been smoking Toscanos for years - Extravecchios, Garibaldis, Classicos and I picked up a TON when I was in Italy last year of all the types I can't find at home, (the pic a few have already seen,). I've never put them in a humidor and they've always smoked fine - I cut my
ammezzato, which is traditional for Italian cigars. In a few different Italian cigar groups that I participate, the Italians usually humidify them - especially the other brands, (in Italy they call it "
fumo lento". And then, there is another vision whereas, you do it old-school: where you'd to go to the "
bar"(cafe in Italy) for your afternoon
caffè or with your morning c

appuccino you'd pick one out of the old dusty glass jar on the counter and you're good to go. It all just depends on your way of thinking.
One thing for sure though: I'd never put them in with my Cubans. The Kentucky tobacco is really strong and I think it could end up creating some havoc with the flavours of my other cigars. If you want to humidify, I'd suggest a dedicated humidor. But with their size, you could fit quite a few in.
Buona fumata a tutti!