Keep in mind that if you buy a one pound block of flake and put it in a very large jar (or whatever container), instead of breaking it up into smaller jars, when you do pop open that huge storage container, you will be stuck smoking that flake for however long it takes. I had rather smoke 2oz out of a jar, because that it just the right amount to enjoy before I become completely bored with it. If I cracked open a one pound jar of a blend, it would take me a full year or more, and I would become bored with the blend, and any effects of aging would deteriorate as it sets in an jar that has had the seal broken, making the aging process a complete waste of time and money.
But, second to loosing the effects of aging, to me is getting bored with a blend. Even a "blow your mind" great blend is going to get boring to me if I am not switching between blends to keep that great flavor fresh on the palate. Sometimes I just need to take a break from a blend, and it would be a waste to have a jar (or whatever container) open for a year or more as I try to smoke through it. It would turn even the best flake or blends into shear torture for me.
For this reason, I don't store tobacco in any jar larger than a half pint, sometimes leaving plenty of air in the jar after I've measured out 2oz. If I used any jar larger than that, it would just be a waste.
I also try to avoid 100 gram tins for the same reason. And, GLP's 8 and 16 oz tins get immediately broken down into small jars.