It is amazing what Stonehaven goes for. As a seller, you would do better to list the bags individually than to sell two at a time. A recent auction for two bags closed at around $220, individual bags will more than likely bring more than $110 each. There was a recent auction where a bag only sold for $88 bucks, the seller was probably not too happy about that. Still, at 18.75 an ounce, that is two nice cigars and an ounce will probably give more than a couple hours of smoking time.
My thoughts on why they have not raised their price is there may be contractual reasons on why they cannot? No sure, but even if they charge $75 a bag retail would be in the $150 range plus tobacco taxes from a B&M.
My thoughts on why they have not raised their price is there may be contractual reasons on why they cannot? No sure, but even if they charge $75 a bag retail would be in the $150 range plus tobacco taxes from a B&M.