A big ditto to what Kevin and Al said. I am going to add some of my thoughts on this, so excuse the length of this post.
Jay, we all love your posts and please don't let anything deter you (or anyone else) from posting something that you find interesting and/or want to share. We want everyone to feel comfortable posting here and do not want anyone to feel afraid to post.
But unfortunately some threads get closed for various reasons. As the old saying goes, a few bad apples spoil the bunch. So when people post things that are against the rules, or derail a thread beyond fixing, it's going to get shut down.
As Al said, we all have full time jobs. And I'm sure that most people know with the current situations going on around the world, that there are other things that we have to handle on top of our jobs that require time from us.
This is not our 'job'. Moderating is done on a volunteer basis and we have to make time in our busy lives to fit it in. Sometimes, the easiest thing to do is to close a thread as, depending on whether or not the moderator who catches something, is busy with other things at that time. This is especially true if a thread gets to 4-5 pages or more before we catch it.
If we can catch a thread right when something happens, we mostly delete that post and leave it open. But once it has multiple posts that are leading down a road better left untraveled, it's just better to close it. I have personally tried to get threads back on track in the past before closing them and it has never worked.
Most of the time we do not have the time to explain why something was done. Or to explain in elementary terms to someone that broke the rules how they specifically broke the rules and then have discussions on why the rules exist and that they're dumb, etc. That's why when I say, 'The rules are the rules and to just follow them', I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm telling it like it is. The rules are there for a reason and they're not going anywhere.
I know that there are a some people on the forums that do not like me because they perceive me as being rude, abrasive, too strict, (place other adjective here), etc. Trust me, I do not intend to come off as rude. I talk straight without beating around the bush. I speak to adults like adults because I expect them to handle themselves as adults.
One of my responsibilities here is to enforce the rules, and I do it indiscriminately.
I also try to create harmony amongst the members. That is why I have always said that if you come across a thread that bothers you, to ignore it and just move on. Let the people who enjoy that subject enjoy themselves talking about it. We don't have to post a response to everything.
If people would self moderate and think about their post and if it breaks any rules or will get a thread closed before posting it, maybe we wouldn't have to moderate things so often.
For the life of me, I can't wrap my head around why people choose to argue and fight over every little thing these days. We all have different opinions and beliefs on things. That's what makes the world great. If we all liked the same things and agreed on everything, it would be a pretty boring place.
CIVIL discourse is always a good thing, but you will never (or very rarely) get someone to change their belief about something. So arguing/fighting about it is a lost cause anyway.
Think about this; for every second that you are angry about something, is a second of your life that you will never get back. Poof, it's gone.
When we have so many things in life that are out of our control that will upset us or make us angry, why would we CHOOSE to make ourselves upset over things that we don't have to?
OK, this post ending up being way longer than I intended. I just want everyone to get along and enjoy the site together and stop breaking rules and getting threads closed.
Peace Out