I sometimes fold and stuff flake in my pipes with smaller sized bowls, which is most of my pipes. I roll it in my fingers to loosen it a little, fold and stuff it loosely into the bowl, and then cut the top. I rub out what I cut off, sprinkle that tobacco on top, and try to get it to fill the voids a little. I pack it loosely because I find that it expands quite a bit once it gets going and needs some air to breath. One to one and a half flakes does the trick for me.
It takes a little more to get going than when rubbed out or cubed cut, but once it gets rolling you don't need to do much and the flavor really is more concentrated. Stuffed flake has always burned through it's center for me, leaving the tobacco towards the walls of the bowl practically untouched. I usually get a good 15 minutes in before the pipe goes out. I use my pick to break the charred tobacco off and away from the inside walls of the bowl so that it falls into the center of the bowl, give it a light tamp, and then relight. A few tamps, maybe a little more picking, and a couple relights later I'm done.
The flavor is great through that first 15 minutes or so. It can get muddled a little in the middle, but the flavor really picks back up for a good 15 minutes or so before the end. A bowl of flake usually lasts me about 40 to 45 minutes, give or flake a few minutes. :
