That article is essentially what you need to know. You'll hear varying things, but will find that Mason Jars are the general, accepted, affordable solution here that will keep your cellar stable for many many years. (many folks also just keep their sealed tins). My main advice on jars is don't go too large...once you open the jar the aging is stopped. So, rather than cramming 1 pound into a large jar, I tend to put that in several smaller jars, which I can open one at a time so the others keep aging.
Many tobaccos, for me, are kept in their original tins for storage until I open them, at which time they go into their jars. The exception to that is the Hearth & Home line....while their tobaccos are a great value, I don't trust their cardboard-like tins....these go directly into jars for me.
So long term: sealed tins, or mason jars.
Short term: mason jars unless you're smoking a tin in 1-2 weeks.
Where? Anywhere works. Fellas around here store their jars in rubbermaid tubs, closets, fancy cupboards, and everything in between. Whatever area is cool, dry, and stable. I have a dresser that was left behind by a previous owner, it sits in a cool corner of my basement. Works perfect. Before that, in my old house, they were stacked up on closet shelves.
What you'll find is that
storing your cellar contents is simple and affordable.
Buying those contents is the hardest part :