I can't call my tobacco stash a cellar. That would be pretentious. But when you try blends, and get some as gifts, and keep some you want to try, but delay opening them, you end up with what you can call a cellar, as a kind of fantasy. In that sense, cellars happen. You buy some of this, get some samples of that, buy two tins of something you really like, and voila, you have a variety of blends and single leaf tins, and you realize, you aren't catching up with most of this any time this year. In my case, there is little intentional about it, except that it has been done with enough forethought that I usually don't find myself with blends I really don't like. I did accumulate too many aromatics as I lost my taste for them, and tarheel1 solved my problem by mentioning that his homeless vets like aromatics best. Problem solved.