I got this set of pipes from scrooge. Thanks to him, I will be practicing meerschaum restoration. This is the set of pipes. They arrived today.
I started working on the second one from the top. It looks like this now.
That took a couple of hours with all my reamers, working under hot running water. The bowl cleaned up pretty well. The stem took a lot of work, finally getting it clean inside. Now to repair the chip in the stem. Epoxy I think. Oh, I used pipe brushes, a tooth brush and some (don't faint) toothpaste on the outside. The rim cleaned nicely with careful scraping.
I started working on the second one from the top. It looks like this now.
That took a couple of hours with all my reamers, working under hot running water. The bowl cleaned up pretty well. The stem took a lot of work, finally getting it clean inside. Now to repair the chip in the stem. Epoxy I think. Oh, I used pipe brushes, a tooth brush and some (don't faint) toothpaste on the outside. The rim cleaned nicely with careful scraping.