A while back I discovered that there was a Ken pipe. I like the name, so I bought one off ebay. A rather sad pipe arrived and was examined and put in storage. Today I decided it was time to start the resuscitation. I had managed to find out how the thing was held together and got it disassembled right after I bought it. I will eliminate the silly aluminum bulb moisture trap. It was corroded and broken, as was the metal airway tube. So, out it all came. The aluminum tube in the stem was also removed. Cleaning one of these things is almost impossible, so all of the junk in the airway goes away. There will be a metal tube from the stummel to the mouthpiece.
I have to make a new leather seal pad and metal clamping disk. Both are shown in the pictures. The metal tube will be glued into the stem, with a sealing disk as soon as I can get the rest of the staining out of the inside of the stem. Grrr...
Stem with tube roughly in place.
The bowl was heavily caked. I swear I heard it sigh with relief as I started cleaning it. The cake came out easily and the gunk on the outside of the stummel came off nicely. The bowl is huge, my largest reamer won't span the diameter. I hand sanded the last of the roughness.
I have to make a new leather seal pad and metal clamping disk. Both are shown in the pictures. The metal tube will be glued into the stem, with a sealing disk as soon as I can get the rest of the staining out of the inside of the stem. Grrr...
Stem with tube roughly in place.
The bowl was heavily caked. I swear I heard it sigh with relief as I started cleaning it. The cake came out easily and the gunk on the outside of the stummel came off nicely. The bowl is huge, my largest reamer won't span the diameter. I hand sanded the last of the roughness.