My Wonderful Wife gave me a membership in's Pipe Tobacco of the Month club for our anniversary. At the moment, I have open jars of Peterson Special Reserve (2015); Frog Morton; Milan Burley; McClelland 221b; and 2 different blends from the Jacksonville B&M I recently visited. So, when this month's shipment came in (with 4 ounces of Stokkebye's Bulls Eye Flake), I decided it was high time to start a cellar.
I broke out 2 ounces of the BSF to smoke now and everything else (even the aros) went into a box up in the closet. Here's my humble beginning:
I broke out 2 ounces of the BSF to smoke now and everything else (even the aros) went into a box up in the closet. Here's my humble beginning: