I was wondering about the ability to relight as well as the tobacco at the bottom getting soggy towards the end.
Yes, the last bit of dottle does get a little soggy sometimes. if that's a problem for someone, you may not want one.
As far as relights go, as I said above, the way I light any pipe is to hold the lighter sideways above the rim by about half an inch, and then draw the heat down (not the flame). Anyone who works with flames, like welders, jewelers, etc... will be able to tell you that drawing the actual flame down is going to work against yourself. The center of the flame is the coldest part. I usually demonstrate this to other jewelers by holding a torch to a soldering brick to show that where the flame hits the brick, it is as cool as the rest of the brick, but surrounding the flame is where the heat is and the brick lights up with heat. You want heat, not flame on your tobacco, otherwise you are fighting against what you are trying to achieve, but as I have watched thousands of pipesmokers stick the damned flam down into the chamber, I realized that ignorance of this is just drenched in smoker culture.
It's like when I watch a moron try to start a fire by holding the flame on something. No matter how many times you tell someone who is completely ignorant of flames, they still stick the damned flame on something trying to light it, whereas I can just walk up and hold the lighter further away and presto faster fire.