I have had the pleasure to sample some 10 year old St. Bruno flake courtesy of our good friend clickklick. I was asked to report how my St. Bruno sample compares to Mac Baren Old Dark Fired, it being suggested that ODF may be the closest state-side readily available baccy to St. Bruno. After smoking some of both I will say that they are pretty similar, with the sample of St. Bruno that I had being a bit sweeter, perhaps from the 10 years on the Virginia, but the ODF having the same full flavor and Burley body and satisfaction, both with a nicely substantial but not overpowering nic level. The ODF rubbed out pretty much like the rubbed out St. Bruno, the color and texture being very close, although the ODF has more moisture and is fresher than my St. Bruno sample. From my limited experience with my St. Bruno sample I will say that ODF approximates smoking St. Bruno pretty nicely, and is a fine smoke in its own right. My curiosity for St. Bruno was realized by clickklick's kind gift, and I will say that my St. Bruno jones will be satisfied with Old Dark Fired, which is first rate, along with another Mac Baren fave, HH Vintage Syrian. I think Mac Baren is doing a great job of filling the shoes of bygone and scarce classics, and they stand brightly on their own merit regardless of any predicate. Check them out and enjoy!