Square tins and factory vacuum seal

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Jul 28, 2016
SableBrush52, heaven sake, you horriefied me,final result remains to be seen, into what containts'got turned,but still I do remain optimistic,will report back to you if something unexpected did happen with contents,(OGS_S&G Golden Glow.Solani 633Flakes, )experiment took approximately 30-50 sec with beforehand well taped seals-then tins were immediately cooled down +toweled dry.



Apr 16, 2014
Bryan, Texas
Sounds like your having fun!
Nice experiment, I'm curious, were the tins unopened new tins you put in boiling water, or previously opened?
Can't wait to hear how the contents fair. Are these for cellaring, or just till you open the tin for another smoke?



Jul 13, 2011
I opened a rectangular tin of Solani Aged Burley flake that was over 10 years old and the seal was still good. Nice pop when I opened it and moisture level inside.

Jul 28, 2016
Dear Mister Monty 55:

Well this rather idiotic experiment performed by this crazy scientist'was done on a few Unopened square tins in order to try out and see if the tins inside vacuum would increase,and apparently this experiment did have some success,judging by the general appearence of these few tins which were involved in this nonecence experiment,At first glance they got flatter,something like the lid went closer to containts yet like the seal was improved. Despite of this doubtful success,I wouldn't recommend using this method too actively,possibility is that even 30 sec.'hot boiling seance'has negative affect on the tobacco taste+ moisture content,hardly but it might.Remains to be seen now,yet many classic flakes are steam pressed at the factory,and Now I will leave these tins alone sitting on my cabinet for some extented period and then pop open for sampling.

Oct 7, 2016
Back in the 1980's and 1990's when I bought, sold and cellared for personal use very large quantities of tobacco, exclusively from when the blends were made in the UK, the ones in rectangular or square tins were much more likely to pop. Your mileage may have varied.

Jul 28, 2016
Oldgeezersmoker:This was a news, Thanks for bringing it up,I assume those restancular(soap case like) ones used like it was with Capstan /Erinmore back then had better sealed in comparition to nowadays square ones

Oct 7, 2016
I do not have any experience with contemporary square tins, only ones from the Uk in those days. Capstan was one you had to check carefully from time to time, Bengal Slices and the old Sobranie made Krumble Kake would pop if you looked at them harshly, and I never would purchase Erinmore even if it was sealed in lead - can't stand it. Others experience might differ, but in making trades, etc. of any decent quantities of that style tin back then, you could almost bet that something would pop in shipping.

May 8, 2017
Sugar Grove, IL, USA
Talk about a rabbit trail! Rotary versus radial aircraft engines in a discussion about vacuum sealing. Fascinating nonetheless. I learned something new this morning.
Links to videos which made the difference obvious.

Regarding aerobic and anaerobic fermentation, a fellow named Toren Smith conducted a little experiment comparing four methods of storage over a period of three years. He reported that any vacuum packing greatly slowed the aging process and thus much preferred simple jarring. I think I might conduct a similar experiment myself with some fresh Escudo.
Here's a link to Toren Smith's article on Greg Pease's website.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 16, 2017
Some brands, G&H in particular, put their tobacco in plastic bags before sealing them in their rectangular tins. I have no idea if this makes a difference in the seal but I suspect they take this added step for a reason.

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