It occured me to ask if these 1,75oz square tobacco tins has an air tight seal on them for what I know the bigger square ones are not whreres those round ones are air vacuum tight.
I agree, think about it too much and my eye starts twitching :mrgreen:It's one of those things like a radial engine...I just can't get my head around how it works
The cylinders didn't rotate - there was/is a single-pin crankshaft on which rotates an articulated, radial connecting-rod assembly attached to all the pistons; basically a "master rod" with a split big end, and other rods attached inside its split big end. Hard to describe without images......
Aldecaker, I was indeed referring to the aero engine, the one where the cylinders actually rotate.
Seems hellish too complicated for me to figure out quite how the damned thing works [:roll:]