Spring and allergies

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Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
So with the onset of spring, I am back to feeling like I have been punched in the face with a fist full of daisies. I awoke this morning to the gambit - plugged nose, itchy eyes and ears, gravely throat, sneezing and coughing like a TB ward. I am loathe to use anti-histamines, due to the inherent side effects (the non-drowsy hit me like an IV espresso, I might as well be on speed); never mind that I find myself enjoying adult beverages with more regularity at this time of year, a combination that has never ended well for me.

I use a Neti pot, and carry a bottle of saline spray, but really, these are not exactly the greatest options, particularly at public events (just a minute, gotta irrigate my sinuses over this water fountain...move kid!). So, anyone have any suggestions?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2011
Wish I could assist. I have the draining sinus and sneezes/cough problem w/all the pollen, which kicks in harder once I lie down. The only remedy I have found to work is Scotch, and plenty of it!



Might Stick Around
Apr 11, 2011
The amino acid histamine may work for you, they may not sell it individually, but you never know.



Jan 8, 2011
A remedy I have been told by many people from both old timers and doctors is to eat honey locally produced. The thought is that the honey is made from the same stuff that is causing your symptoms. This should make you body cope with allergies better.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Feb 18, 2011
Very interesting, Eagle..sorta like a flu shot I quess.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2011
Very interesting, Eagle..sorta like a flu shot I quess.

Except it might work, lol.
By brother gets a flu shot every year, and every year he gets the flu (usually right after getting the shot) and I don't. Just sayin'.
I have allergies bad too, but for some reason they haven't bothered me at all really this year (knock on wood). I'm not really sure what is different.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
It's not been too bad here today,...but the mold will be back tomorrow cause it rained yesterday and the day before.
As far as medication,Allegra,...(fexofenadine) is my choice. :D

I hated the old allergy medications because they made me either drowsy or hyper. That was because the medication was in a "carrier" that was fat soluble, or so I was told, and therefore it was able to cross the "blood-brain barrier".

Allegra, according to our son, a physician with two degrees, one in cellular chemistry and the other in molecular biology, contains a water soluble carrier and therefore cannot cross over into your nervous system. That's why airline pilots and athletes can take it.
Regarding the flu shot, (I'm not a physician but I've been told).....if you get the flu after having recieved the vaccine and given it time to work, it not the strain of the virus that you were innoculated with. If you feel crappy after getting the flu shot, it's probably either a reaction to the carrier, all in your head, or you were exposed to a virus prior to the shot.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2011
You could try using snuff, it's the one thing that in conjunction with a nasal rinse bottle stops pollen and other irritants going up my nose and delivers a bit of nicotine aswell.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 17, 2010
I have the same issues with the OTC allergy meds and because of my BP meds I always have to be cautious as to what I take and my Dr. recommended the Claritin, not the Claritin D but just regular and it seems to be working without me jumping around like a pogo stick. I hated the way my heart felt like it was racing out of my chest when I took mosy OTC allergy meds but teh Claritin seems to be working without the feared side affects. Good luck in whatever you try..

May 3, 2010
Las Vegas, NV
Actually this was brought up at a class I had last week. A classmate was complaining about his allergies to the teacher. Our teacher told him that he started taking a drug called Immunocal. He said after two weeks it totally cleared up his allergies. Pretty sure the website address is http://immunocal.net/ .



Jan 13, 2011
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
Thanks for the advice guys - although I like Fatman's solution the best, something tells me my output at work would dwindle to zero if I were to follow it (scotch).
James; I wouldn't take histamine on its own (even if it were commercially available), thats a recipie for anaphylactic shock (when your bodies histamine production basically goes into overdrive - allergies as we know them are actually a reaction to histamines being produced to combat a pathogen).
Tom; I couldn't pack a nostril if I tried right now, its like the taps are on, so snuff is out of the question.
Perhaps I'll try OTC allergy medicines again, it has been a number of years since I've subjected myself to them; like everything, I'm sure the drugs have changed...I'll also look into the Immunocal, cause hell, an ounce of prevention, right?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 25, 2011
Canterbury, England
I personaly use anti-histamines. However, I find sugary/syrupy drinks tend to help with any throat issues and sneezing. Oddly enough, smoking tends to sort out some symptoms as well. Other than that, look at allergy medecines from health stores or alernative med stores. They often have an anti-histamine equivalent without the drowsy/anti-drowsy side effects.



Jan 11, 2017
For me, I don't want to rely too much on drugs for my allergies. Antihistamines do work, but I try to take it only once a day or every two days. That's why I decided to buy an air purifier because one, my dad loves his cigars and two, I am allergic to dust.

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