This pipe is so magnificent, so rare, so priceless, that its maker cannot even be named for fear of a black ops team kidnapping him in the middle of the night to become some billionaire's personal pipe maker, where he'd live out his life a de facto prisoner in an underground fortress.
In fact, I'm doubtless taking a risk by showing these images to the public at all. Realizing that things like the Sistine Chapel and Bernini's sculptures---creations previously thought to be the high water mark of Western artistic achievement---are, in fact, the merest garbage in comparison, could bring about the fall of civilization on Planet Earth.
But I'm nothing if not a risk taker. :
Ready? (Maestro, cue the Strauss Opus 30... ready, set, play... )
In fact, I'm doubtless taking a risk by showing these images to the public at all. Realizing that things like the Sistine Chapel and Bernini's sculptures---creations previously thought to be the high water mark of Western artistic achievement---are, in fact, the merest garbage in comparison, could bring about the fall of civilization on Planet Earth.
But I'm nothing if not a risk taker. :

Ready? (Maestro, cue the Strauss Opus 30... ready, set, play... )