Souvenier of a Failed Marketing Campaign

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Oct 15, 2013
As I was sorting through searches for estate pipes on eBay, I saw a picture of an ashtray with a locomotive surrounded by the words, “Marlboro Unlimited”. I’m interested in trains and tobacciana so I delved further into the origins of this ashtray.
It turns out that back in the mid 1990s Phillip Morris came up with the idea of a contest where smokers could win a five day luxury train excursion through the storied land of “Marlboro Country”. The trip would include stops between Phoenix, Arizona and Cheyenne, Wyoming for white water rafting, horseback riding and the like. The 21 custom built rail cars included areas for gambling, concerts, movies and dancing. One car was even equipped with hot tubs.
Problems arose when the cars were found to exceed weight limits and other measurements required by law to run on Amtrac administered railways. It was also required that if the Marlboro logo was going to be painted on the locomotive or anywhere else on the train that the Surgeon General’s warning would also have to be included. It was feared that nobody would want to ride the “Cancer Train”. The logo was left off.
Cost overruns and delays eventually led to the cancellation of the project after millions of dollars were spent. The locomotives (two of them) were sold off and the cars were all demolished. The 1000 or so contest winners were all paid off in cash, about $6000.00.
So what I have now is probably an ashtray made for use on that train, the ill fated Marlboro Unlimited. It’s not a rare or expensive item. It does look sort of nice sitting here on my desk even though it is a remembrance of marketing folly and failure. Here’s the seller's picture:

You can view a slick promotional video commercial of the proposed trip here:
Marlboro Unlimited Video
I'm probably one of the few interested in stuff like this, but if you are as well you can search for "Marlboro Unlimited" and find a lot of interesting information such as the minutes from the marketing department meetings where potential problems with the project were discussed ranging from how to deal with anti-smoking protesters at the stops and how to respond to fires started by people smoking in bed.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
They had some pretty elaborate offerings.

Even a Dude Ranch. I heard a radio talk show talking about this place.



May 30, 2012
That's pretty cool. Something interesting to talk about anyway.
My wife used to collect all those points for gear from her smoker friends, she received lots of very nice stuff(although Marlboro branded). I still use a canvas tote bag she got 20 years ago. It is nice.



Might Stick Around
Aug 8, 2014
Interesting. I hadn't heard of this promotional campaign, before my time, but I remember the marlboro gear was huge.

Like voorhees we have some of that quality stuff still in use.

That ashtray is a great find along with the lost story, congrats.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Yeh, I've got a ton of the Camel promotional products, stuffed animals, ashtrays, canteens, thermos, lunch box, lighters, backpack, lots of stuff with Joe Cool on it, Even what looks like a Joe Cool Camel teething toy for infants, ha ha!

At the time (early 90's) we knew this was going to backfire on them. They just made way too many things that looked like they were directly marketing to children. But, we thought it was cool anyways. I even still have a whole empty carton packed with Camel Cash.



Jan 30, 2012
Hazel Green AL
Thanks for posting this. I enjoy train related information/things as well. Had never heard about this. Will have to keep my eye out for more of their stuff. The ashtray does look pretty nice.



Jul 31, 2010
Bethlehem, Pa.
That is an interesting story and you have a neat memento to boot. When I hear about these types of marketing ploys I always wonder what the senior management was thinking. The classic case is when RJR tried to make a smokeless cigarette. $500 million on development for a product that was never launched. I have one in a glass tube that I got from the cigarette paper maker. The cig had, what looked to me, a small catalytic convertor in the tip. It eventually cost the CEO his job. His $30 million separation package helped assuage the hurt.



Jan 7, 2015
That's an interesting story. Thanks for sharing it with us. I'll have to keep an eye out for other Marlboro Unlimited items.



Feb 21, 2013
I've always wondered how promotional contests work out for the sponsoring companies. Do they really pump

profits? My suspicion is that, even when there is follow-through, at least as many bust as boom up sales. These

marketing groups are under the gun to come up with projects to justify their existences, and when they flop, they

flop in a large way. What an interesting souvenir, and especially that you have the back-story. What a back-story.



Mar 5, 2013
St. Louis, MO
Every Xmas my Aunt Cat would always give my brother and I some camping equipment or the like with a Marlboro logo on it. Saved her from spending money on a lot of Xmas presents I'm sure. It took me a while to figure out why grandma frowned everytime we got something from her. I think it's kind of funny to think that a red sleeping bag would make me want to take up smoking.



Dec 11, 2012
I was raised by non-smoking teetotalers and was basically anti-smoking myself for decades, but during my college years my girlfriend (now wife) worked briefly at a convenience store, and we wound up with about half-a-dozen promotional Marlboro BBQ lighters - relatively small compared to the Bic models, and with a molded plastic nozzle rather than the metal gooseneck. I didn't realize until after they'd all run dry and we'd tossed them, that they were refillable. :oops:



Jul 13, 2011
I also like trains and think the ashtray looks cool. The story was interesting and it is too bad it never panned out. Sounds like a fun time.

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