Yes, we have more open counry than most, and many kids on the land do use guns to kill feral animals - I'm talking land where they gotta fly their light planes to the letterbox (5,000 square mile stations [ranches]) down to small hobby farms of a couple of hundred acres.
However, we don't permit kids or adults (thank God) to have weapons of any kind in the suburbs or outlying areas, unless they have sat a very rigorous test and having proved they are a member of a gun club, and use it only for either competitive or hunting reasons. When not in use, guns are to locked in a special Govt. approved safe. Furthermore, it is utterly illegal to transport your pistol anywhere other than between your safe and your club.
We had a case here where some southerners were camping up north, a 12' crocodile was killing a woman's son (she was in her 60's), she grabbed a pistol, straddled the croc & pumped 6 bullets into its head, saving her son and sustaining injuries to herself in the process. They were going to charge them with weapons offences because they weren't allowed to be travelling with that pistol. Knowing this country, they probably took it along to "protect" themselves from homosapiens of a different colour, which is very, very sad.