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May 29, 2011
No guns. Pipes, goatee, mostly lucid, and swords. I'll try to pick up a gun on my way to the mall during the zombie apocalypse.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 22, 2012
Metairie, LA
Well, I have a goatee and I certainly love pipes. Intelligence is a matter up for conjecture. I've done some very intelligent things in my life... and a large share of flat-out stupid. But who hasn't? As for guns, I don't own one, although I used to shoot competition in high school and it was pretty damned fun.



May 4, 2011
aussielass, guns are just part of life here in the States. Especially in the South, many kids can shoot their own food and dress it by the time they are 12. It was born of necessity and now is tradition. That's not the most amazing thing, though. In Switzerland, every able-bodied man is a member of the militia and is ISSUED a weapon, including submachineguns and grenade launchers! There's a reason why no one has invaded Switzerland since medieval times!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2010
Following the white rabbit
Pipes. Check. Facial hair. Check. Firearms. Check. Smart... I'll have to get back to you on that one.
My father taught me how to safely handle and fire a gun at age 6. I got my first real gun at age 12. It was a .410 shotgun. The next year I got a .22 revolver. Have owned firearms ever since and have never had a single firearm related accident.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Yes, we have more open counry than most, and many kids on the land do use guns to kill feral animals - I'm talking land where they gotta fly their light planes to the letterbox (5,000 square mile stations [ranches]) down to small hobby farms of a couple of hundred acres.
However, we don't permit kids or adults (thank God) to have weapons of any kind in the suburbs or outlying areas, unless they have sat a very rigorous test and having proved they are a member of a gun club, and use it only for either competitive or hunting reasons. When not in use, guns are to locked in a special Govt. approved safe. Furthermore, it is utterly illegal to transport your pistol anywhere other than between your safe and your club.
We had a case here where some southerners were camping up north, a 12' crocodile was killing a woman's son (she was in her 60's), she grabbed a pistol, straddled the croc & pumped 6 bullets into its head, saving her son and sustaining injuries to herself in the process. They were going to charge them with weapons offences because they weren't allowed to be travelling with that pistol. Knowing this country, they probably took it along to "protect" themselves from homosapiens of a different colour, which is very, very sad.



Can't Leave
Jan 18, 2012
Sadly own more guns than pipes. Have been a "collector " for many moons. As a matter of fact I need to take inventory.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
Looks like gun laws don't work there, either.
Compare murder rates per capita between the 2 countries, then come back and tell me that.
IMO they work a whole lot better here than there, and there's an awful lot of people walking around enjoying life that wouldn't be if guns were sold like ice=creams with every Tom, DICK and Harry owning one.
I used to own a gun, these days I'd rather carry pepper spray (also illegal here lmao).



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
I think that's just about the scariest damn thing I've ever read in my life!

I may not live in the south, but I live in the country, and just about everyone has a gun here. And Iwasn't allowed to use the gun unless my dad was there. I was, and and am very safe with guns



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
I was, and and am very safe with guns
Yup, I'm sure you are, and I'm sure every American thinks/says the same thing, until that dang Yankee water finally does something to tip 'em over the edge and send 'em on rampages blowing away innocent folks. Must be all those chemtrails you guys get subjected to?



May 4, 2011
Actually the UK and Australia both top the US in violent crime rates.
The International Crime Victims Survey, conducted by Leiden University in Holland, found that England and Wales ranked second overall in violent crime among industrialized nations.
Twenty-six percent of English citizens — roughly one-quarter of the population — have been victimized by violent crime. Australia led the list with more than 30 percent of its population victimized.
The United States didn’t even make the “top 10″ list of industrialized nations whose citizens were victimized by crime.
It's funny how actual research shows little correlation between firearm availablity and crime, but people seem to be able to recite from rote arguments against the right to carry that are based entirely upon emotion or made-up stuff from radical groups like the Violence Policy Center (formerly named Hangun Control Inc.) The only people gun laws hurt is the law-abiding.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 18, 2011
I only draw my conclusions from the news, film clips etc. that our tv's, newspapers & radios are constantly bombarded with. Got a link to that info above plz Baron?
I'd be real interested into delving deeper into this, because I just can't believe it - I've walked the streets of Oz, UK, Wales, Scotland and all over Europe at night, but I sure as hell wouldn't do that in NY or LA or any other USA city visited, we were holed up in our hotels the second the sun went down, on advice from those who were on said streets.
Oh and please certain peeps, no more bangin' yer banjos, flappin' yer gums and bashin' yer keyboards about covert America bashing, I'm simply stating personal experience :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
Got guns, FFL holder

Got pipes, daily smoker

Got facial hair, feel naked without it
Actually Aussielass if you look at crime rates vs gun restrictions here in the states you find that the areas with the strictest gun laws, i.e. DC, NY, California, also have the highest crime rates. Where as areas with less restrictive laws have lower crime rates. The southern states that are famous for their hospitality and friendly folks average 3 guns per house hold. Mostly I believe it comes down to criminals not wanting to take a chance on getting shot. After all if law abiding citizens aren't allowed to have firearms that gives the criminals an advantage since they don't mind breaking the law and having one. Where as the opportunity to stare down the business end of a 12 gauge because someone doesn't like the idea of you taking their stuff or harming their family is one that even very stupid criminals tend to avoid.
For the firearms enthusiasts here are a couple of funnies.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 5, 2010
I respect all of your opinions...
But, I do have facial hair and I am afraid of guns!
However, I am not afraid of steep downhill skiing on Expert ski runs!

(Scary, isn't it?)

click on pic to enlarge, if you dare...



Feb 8, 2012

there is a book by Dr John Lott more guns less crime its a 20 yr study in to crime rates where gun ownership is restrected in the usa and where its not and the facts speak for them self states with shall issue permets have lower crime rates then discretionary issue states. a few states Vermont and Alsaka to name a few that one does not need a permet to carry a conceled firearms have the lowest crime rate per captia this book can be got for free in a pdf file off the internet google search it

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