When I think of the years I wasted in both money and health with cigarettes and discovered the pipe, I sometimes despair. But at least I kicked the cigarettes and re-discovered the joys of a smoke with a good tobacco and pipe. It is sometimes moderately expensive, that is for someone like me who lives on a fixed budget, and often have to wait from month to month to assuage my PAD and what is rapidly developing into TAD, but the price of this "hobby" is still great, too great in fact: I fear the day our congress discovers that someone is enjoying themselves and their pipe obsession and take advantage of it by increasing taxes on tobacco. But if pipe tobacco cost twice what it does now, I'd still buy it. A one-pound bag of Trout Stream lasts about 3 months and is dirt cheap, and with the discovery of the Cayuga pipes made by Paul's Pipe Shop here in Michigan--the gentleman there makes pipes that would rival Dunhills for a mere $50, more or less has made new pipes much more affordable. (I'd like to own a volcano someday, but those are in the "expensive" column so far as I can find. If anyone knows where I can get them for under $200, please PM me.)