I have decided to give a few of the D&R tobaccos a go (a nice way to say that a wonderful case of TAD has set in). I have ordered one tin of each of the following blends: Picayune, Rimboche AP, Rimboche SJ and Don Giovanni Sigaro.
I am looking forward to trying all four blends; however, the Picayune and Don Giovanni have me the most intrigued. I am looking forward to seeing how strong Picayune is as I due like a healthy dose of nicotine on Friday afternoon or evening to celebrate the conclusion of another work week. For the Don Giovanni I have always wanted to know what cigar leaf does to a pipe blend.
By the way the order is scheduled to arrive on Friday, if the Northwest fires do not cause an unexpected delay.
I am looking forward to trying all four blends; however, the Picayune and Don Giovanni have me the most intrigued. I am looking forward to seeing how strong Picayune is as I due like a healthy dose of nicotine on Friday afternoon or evening to celebrate the conclusion of another work week. For the Don Giovanni I have always wanted to know what cigar leaf does to a pipe blend.
By the way the order is scheduled to arrive on Friday, if the Northwest fires do not cause an unexpected delay.