Some Brief Questions About Corn Cob Pipes

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Sep 20, 2011
Regarding the hee-haw and "hick" comments, I just want to register how offensive and hateful those words are. As one who regularly wears a straw hat with a Country Gent hanging out of his mouth, I demand to be respected. And we don't like "redneck" either. We prefer the term "Appalachian American".
//sarc// for those various "thick skin" and "PC" threads out there



Sep 14, 2011
Do you have a lot of briars, Jud, or do you smoke only occasionally?
I smoke 3 to 4 bowls a day. I have 16 latakia bowls in regular rotation, and 6 Virginia, plus a cob and a couple of pipes that fill in.

Today, for example, I will smoke 4 bowls, in 3 briars and a cob. Those briars will rest 6 to 8 days, the cob less.
Although I am a firm proponent of the one pipe, one bowl, let it rest, school (sometimes I will smoke 2, but not often). I know guys who feel that it's OK to smoke multiple bowls in one day, as long as you rest the pipe at least the number of days you smoked bowls. For example, if you smoke 5 bowls in one day in the same pipe, let that pipe rest at least 5 days.

Even on days when I smoke 2 bowls in the same pipe, I make sure it is cooled down and run cleaners through it before I smoke it again. :puffy:



Mar 19, 2013
I was really hesitant about MM cobs. Then, what the heck, they aren't expensive so I decided to give them a try. At first I wasn't sure I liked them (Country Gentleman and Diplomat) - then, I replaced the stems with Forever stems. What a difference!
Now, I reach for a cob at least once a week. I've given a couple of them as gifts. At first there was a funny look, but it changed to a smile when they lite up. (Since they are very good friends, they got Forever stems as part of the gift.)
Now, I can't imagine not have a MM cob as part of my rotation.

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