I find that when I remove mine the only discolor is from the stem that is exposed. The pipe,condom seems to preserve the color of the vulcanite. Do they make these rubbers to fit the whole Stem? :rofl:
@ haha Perdurabo!
Since getting passed my mid-40s I have used these softie bits; all due to a bridge and an implant and the subsequent dental sensitivity with any stem of any kind. They have been a stem saver for me. Also, I clench while I read; which means I clench while I smoke almost all the time. I don't find much guck builds up underneath them in my use. That said, I smoke a pipe rarely more than once per day, as I rotate through my pipes. These are definitely polarizing but don't let Harris make you feel a little less than a manly man if you enjoy rocking the rubber ::
I have a Vauen that I bought about 40 years ago where the bit was drilled too close to the top, and the end cracked out. I waqsn-t able to smoke it for many years until I got a softie to put over the break. But I don't use them on any of my other pipes, and I clench a lot.
I prefer the tubing myself. I only use them because it is easier on my teeth but not all my pipes have them. Some just don't fit them correctly. I am not too worried about teeth chatter. These pipes won't be sold until I am dead lol.
I have them. I’ve used them. I hate them.
I finally decided to just live with teeth marks on my stems. I was worried about resale value on the pipes for a long time and then one day decided I didn’t care. I now know if a pipe is keeper and if so it’s mine to enjoy. Teeth chatter is like Lyons for me.
However, I do use the shrink wrap on my heavy full bent Castillo pipes with acrylic stems. It’s more comfortable.
To each his own. I prefer hard tips and firm but not hard tits. Really soft ones are fine for snoozing, though.
But pipe softies, no way, José. Tried them for a week, ugh!