I started smoking a pipe about 10 months ago and have always used soft bits. I am a clencher and like to hold the pipe between my back teeth for the most part, keeping my hands free to read and write posts in this forum on my phone
I now have about 20 pipes of different sizes, shapes, weight, and material (cob and briar) each with a soft bit. I recently added a nice nos zulu which has a wider button than all of my other pipes and found that the soft bit feels cumbersome on it. The last time I smoked it I took the soft bit off mid bowl and was pleasantly surprised by the difference it made. I felt I had better control of my draw, being able to more finely control how I pulled the smoke through the stem without the bit in the way as I was able to place the stem in my mouth in different positions than the added bulk of the soft bit would allow. There is a part of me that likes the idea of "protecting" the stem with the rubber bit, keeping it free of bite marks and chatter but I'm considering taking the bits off all my pipes, maybe except for the cobs (to have the option of clenching), to see how the smoking experience differs without them. I don't like to clench the bare stem because it doesn't feel as comfortable to do so without the soft rubber. This forces me to hold the pipe in hand which makes me more conscious of how hot the bowl gets while smoking, in effect forcing me to slow my pace. What are your thoughts on and experiences with the soft bits?