So This is my new puppy, his name is Sir Charles Sherman Chaplick aka Charlie aka stinker lol. He is a Schnoodle, half Schnauzer, half Poodle. I was really planning on getting a girl dog, and most likely a shih tzu, but when we were at the store, this little guy looked pretty sad, and I guess he should, he was almost in the store long enough to be put into the pound
but I saw something in him. So we took him out and he went wild, jumpiung around and playing, and biting... My parents said no right away, they even picked him up and everything and he squirmed and wriggled and fussed. They didnt like him....until I picked him up. I grabbed him and he just sat there with me, cuddling with me and licking me and he eventually fell asleep in my lap. How can you even look at other dogs after that. Ive had him a couple days now and he is taking to training very well, and I love him. He also really likes to watch the history channel, which works well with me lol. Just thought I would share that