Funny, my wife is from NC, and she and her family are always talking about how they are so hill billy... ha ha, then drive across the state line into SC... Or drive from Space age Virginia into WV. Or, NASA Alabama into Mississippi. North Carolinians are as much a hillbilly as Einstein by comparison to SC. SC, MS, WV, are like decades behind in so many ways, aesthetically, financially, the buildings all look and seem older, and the smell... the people... it also affects what's on the radio. It's weird. When we go across the state line into one of these states it's so obvious. And, when I ask family in SC how the hell they can stand it, they don't understand. When you live somewhere, where it smells terrible, you are breathing it every day, so you no longer smell the stink.
Hillbilly has no real meaning nowadays. There are just states that have more opportunities for various reasons, and some where you're just screwed, no matter what you do.
And, don't get me started on that fake-assed Southern hospitality, nice to your face Southerners... I could write a book. I believe that areas where people are actually more truthful and honest... are not remotely similar to Southerners. Being Southern means smiling and saying what is expected... until they leave the room. I'd rather know where I stand, personally. And, I do it too. We all do it down here. And, I don't even like it. But, I was raised in this fake-assed culture.