Snuff Question

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Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
The only forum I ever found that was worth a hoot - SnuffHouse

Tony Barr maintains these webpages, great for overall info - Snuff

I have purchased from several vendors over the years. Due to enactment of the PACT Act best selections come from European vendors these days. Trade with total confidence from either one of these.

Wide selection of styles and brands - Mr. Snuff

Most user friendly scents and grind, good values! - Toque

User reviews can be found here - Snuff Reviews
That oughta get ya started uber.

If you look around your town smokeshops you have a good chance of finding Ozona from Poschl. Depending on your location you may also find American Scotches from Conwood or Swisher and such. If you come across any of the American Scotch proceed with caution, very dry, very fine grind. Makes it easy to take too much too deeply and blow the back of yer head off.

Most of the Ozona grinds are very easy to take, most have menthol.
My favorites, hmmmmm. The short list:

Wilsons of Sharrow Gold Label

Wilsons of Sharrow Grand Cairo

Wilsons of Sharrow Irish D High Toast #20

de Kralingse Macuba

Samuel Gawith SP Scotch

Toque Spanish Gem

de Kralingse Chococrème

Toque St Clements

Swisher Honey Bee



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2011
everything below is by Toque (
Winter flavours -

Absinthe, Chocolate, Coke (as in the soda), Christmas Pudding, Natural Toast, Whisky and Honey
Spring Flavours-

Rose, Violet, Peach, Apricot

Original, SP Extra, Natural, Bluberry, Quit (high nic content)
My two favourites are Rose and Sp Extra.
There's other brands, but I feel Toque is the best starter kit -- only 22 USD or so for a sample of 10 regular tins. . .which I cannot remember if are 5 or 10 grams. . .10 I think. You could also get the pre-filled bullets, but keep in mind those have significantly less in them. If you don't use a lot it might not be a bad idea, but anyway. Absolutely do not go off buying economy bags of 50g+ off the bat. . .if for no other reason than it will almost certainly be too dry to use long before you finish (you can also re-hydrate or even just sniff a drop of water first though).
They also have a pack of 6 25g. . .but I recommend getting the 10 sampler anyway, purely out of chance to try as many as possible the first time.



Sep 1, 2011
Oh man this brings me back to my school days. I started a snuff craze in school. I do not remember the brand but it was menthol in a blue plastic box with a flip top. The only one we could get in our area. I would pass it around in class or during brake. Next thing I knew those little blue boxes were in all the dudes back pockets. Wonder if there is any available locally now? I had no idea there was so many flavors and styles.

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
+1 on the sampler from Toque yoru.

Also, always had me curious that the Toque Store and MrSnuff have no problems processing US issued credit cards, but all the other tobacco sites say they are prohibited from doing so.
things what makes ya go Hmmmmm...



Sep 1, 2011
I just looked at my local shops web sight and they say snuff is hard to get these days so inventory changes often. Has there been some strict regulation in the US on snuff? I saw one on MrSnuff that is ginger bread scented. That sounds lovely!

Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Has there been some strict regulation in the US on snuff?

Trying to avoid the soapbox here...

S. 1147: PACT Act was signed into law March of last year. With respect to snuff:

Section 3 -

Amends the federal criminal code to treat cigarettes and smokeless tobacco as nonmailable matter and prohibit their deposit into the U.S. mails. Requires the USPS to refuse to accept for delivery or transmit through the mails any package that it knows or has reasonable cause to believe contains any cigarettes or smokeless tobacco made nonmailable by this Act.
Ad nauseum
Anyway... as a result of this legislative tomfoolery by OUR DULY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, deep breath, all the shops in the states are now prohibited from sending snuff across state lines, somewhere in there is a really confusing section regarding other carriers. Most on-line vendors stopped carrying snuff altogether.

Mr Snuff was located here in the states but he actually packed up and moved to the UK. Another really fine vendor, damn near the best at the time, was NicotineRush. This legislation put him out of business altogether.
Order's from overseas seem to have no problems that I've heard of. Yet.
Pays to get involved in the actions that our representatives are involved in. Me, I'm in the "Vote Em' Out" party as it is....
Deeper sigh, soapbox pushed aside, I made sure to have a lifetime supply of snuff prior to passage. Guarding it with my life!
With proper care snuff can be made to stay close to fresh indefinitely.

Large quantities in mason jars, decanted into 25g or so containers. In turn decant from those smaller jars into 10g or so. Three step method from Tony Barr and it works well.
Aren't ya glad ya asked Buster (-;



Sep 7, 2011
Capac, Michigan
If you look around your town smokeshops

my town smokeshops only have cigars and ciggarettes pretty much. they dont have much pipe stuff. or much else. so online is the way to go for me

Absinthe, Coke (as in the soda

the absinthe sounds intriguing and good thing you said the soda for coke.i was thinking something else

only 22 USD or so for a sample of 10 regular tins.

i might do that. that sounds like a good deal
thanks for all the help guys. ive got a bit of a problem with my bank at the moment, but when thats solved ill probly pick up some snuff



Sep 1, 2011
Thanks OTD, I went into the shop today and talked to the clerk there. She said as what you said and added they are trying to ban all flavored tobacco not just cigarettes! So you know what that means to pipe smokers? ARRRGGG!


Jun 26, 2011
Pacific Northwest USA
Gingerbread sounds divine! I ordered a bunch from Toque today, and some from Mr. Snuff too

So give marmal, what all did ya order?

Dont but it in the nose, but it under your lip - Snus ftw

And that's a whole 'nuther ball o' wax atuukson! The Pact Act really put the kabosh on Snus as well. Smokeless tobacco sales and shipment, oh no, save the children! My Swedish snus supply is down to about enough left to last me another 1 1/2 years.
The Toque Absinthe is some really potent stuff scent-wise. And it is GREAT!



Jun 2, 2011
Well, you people make me so angry sometimes!!!! I spent the rest of the afternoon looking at snuff again and ended up ordering the 10 tin sampler from Toque. Thanks...thanks a lot!

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