Has there been some strict regulation in the US on snuff?
Trying to avoid the soapbox here...
S. 1147: PACT Act was signed into law March of last year. With respect to snuff:
Section 3 -
Amends the federal criminal code to treat cigarettes and
smokeless tobacco as nonmailable matter and prohibit their deposit into the U.S. mails. Requires the USPS to refuse to accept for delivery or transmit through the mails any package that it knows or has reasonable cause to believe contains any cigarettes or smokeless tobacco made nonmailable by this Act.
Ad nauseum
Anyway... as a result of this legislative tomfoolery by OUR DULY ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES, deep breath, all the shops in the states are now prohibited from sending snuff across state lines, somewhere in there is a really confusing section regarding other carriers. Most on-line vendors stopped carrying snuff altogether.
Mr Snuff was located here in the states but he actually packed up and moved to the UK. Another really fine vendor, damn near the best at the time, was NicotineRush. This legislation put him out of business altogether.
Order's from overseas seem to have no problems that I've heard of. Yet.
Pays to get involved in the actions that our representatives are involved in. Me, I'm in the "Vote Em' Out" party as it is....
Deeper sigh, soapbox pushed aside, I made sure to have a lifetime supply of snuff prior to passage. Guarding it with my life!
With proper care snuff can be made to stay close to fresh indefinitely.
Large quantities in mason jars, decanted into 25g or so containers. In turn decant from those smaller jars into 10g or so.
Three step method from Tony Barr and it works well.
Aren't ya glad ya asked Buster (-;