Snagged this Kaywoodie at the gun show

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Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2012
denver co
Pipe12 I'll let you know as soon as my wife gets done walking down from the other end with the matches :)



Dec 28, 2011
Topeka, KS
Good on you!
At gun shows it's always caveat emptor. (But with widows and family members I'm always in full disclosure mode.) Your seller probably bought it for a Lincoln or Hamilton at a garage sale and knew he was taking you to the cleaners. Obviously, you knew otherwise. (Antique stores, the Bay, flea markets and pawn shops also fall into the gun show category.)
When I'm dealing with a family member I always try to give my best guess on a item's worth, tell them what I can afford to pay and then let them know what they'd pay after listing price and seller's commissions are paid at auction. Most folks appreciate the candor and I fall asleep every night like a baby.
You caught a cream puff, Life. They don't happen often but bragging rights sure are fun when they do.
Well done.



Jan 14, 2012
Southwest Louisiana
Yes you can find amazing things at Gun shows, brought my wife to one a long time ago, she never showed any interest. My favorite line was I"ll buy you whatever you want, knowing of the impossibility of that ever happening. At that show she comes to me and says I want a ring that man has. We went to his booth, and behold he had women's jewelry, first time I had seen that. She pointed to a ring, I asked How a Much, he said 400$, Me and my big mouth. :puffy:



Dec 7, 2011
I am indeed blessed and happy to have a wife that loves shooting as much as I do! It was, indeed, one of our first "cheap" but loads of fun dates, back there around 40 years ago. Buy a brick of .22 for about $5 at the time... and go out on the farm and shoot the dickens out of beer cans, walnuts/apples or similar - whatever happened to be laying around on the ground, soda bottles, and a whole host of other targets. Compete for a whole afternoon and have more fun than squirrels in an oak-grove! A couple of gun shows ago, she even ferreted out a type of small revolver that I had been coveting... but better by several notches from the Smith & Wesson custom shop. So we both left the gun show happy that day... me with a custom S&W 637 and she with a Walther PPK that we were certain had to be owned by James Bond at least a couple years. GAD!! Another potentially expensive acquisition disorder!!

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