Smoking one of these things is kind of a zen thing. You start to get feel for which tobacco likes to be loaded and packed in which way. Ribbon for instance takes a firmer pack than cake or flake and then there's the tamping. You listen to and feel the fire. You learn how to harness it an maintain it for optimal enjoyment of the blend you're sipping. There is definitely a learning curve involved. The more you play, the better you get. It's why I take the "zen" approach. It's a be here now endevour and you'll definitely receive more gratification if you listen to the fire asking to be tamped more, less, gentlier, harder or more heavy handed, and whether or not it needs more or less air. You'll instinctively....with more time, learn these things and will find yourself doing things like putting your fingers over the bowl to carburate and bring your fire back to life, as opposed to instinctively grabbing another match. Give it time and be patient, You will be rewarded!