We do have a few members who make the pipe an ordeal and seem to revel in such behavior. More power to 'em I suppose if such keeps them distracted from life's problems for a bit.Unless, of course, you enjoy a simple process made longer.
We do have a few members who make the pipe an ordeal and seem to revel in such behavior. More power to 'em I suppose if such keeps them distracted from life's problems for a bit.Unless, of course, you enjoy a simple process made longer.
The thing about all of these various methods is that they give the new smoker some sort of scaffold to try while learning how to enjoy smoking a pipe.We do have a few members who make the pipe an ordeal and seem to revel in such behavior. More power to 'em I suppose if such keeps them distracted from life's problems for a bit.
I’m curious about this “American Way” of pipe smoking. Could you elaborate?Im not trying to pick a fight but everyone in the world doesnt smoke pipes the "American way". Things like chips and keystones serve a purpose. For one thing, you get a full smoke that is almost equally good throughout the bowl. Additionally, if you lived somewhere where tobacco took effort to obtain AND cost in excess of 125 a pound you would not feel so great about dumping the bowl with unburnt filter tobacco. Sure, I dont need the chips but I get a better smoke (and a lot of european smokers agree) and I dont dump good tobacco OR punish the bottom of my pipes to get every last bit. The savings in tobacco is likely negligible but it makes me feel better. Also, I like my pipes and I want them to outlast me. If I were ordering bulk in poundage I probably wouldnt worry about it. But then again, Id experiment anway. Oh and BTW, the chips also help keep pipes cleaner so its less maintenence.
When it comes to pipes, if someone suggests a reasonable way to get a better experience I will try it any day of the week...I mean, why not?
I think ... isn't it just better? ...like everything else ...I’m curious about this “American Way” of pipe smoking. Could you elaborate?
I dont know if 9mm filters remove much nicotine but I have never once felt the effects of nicotine and I was never a consistent or heavy smoker. Maybe it just doesnt effect me to where I am aware its there. Maybe Im just loopy and buzzy all the time!
I've been smoking for about 6-7 years now and just recently discovered how to smoke all the way down to the ash. This is what works for me but I offer you to give it a try. It is basically what you've been told, the three layer method. However, this one is a two layer method. Pinch in the amount of tobacco until fills the bowl but in between each pinch, gently tap the outside of your bowl until it all settles. Then continue to pinch until the bowl is full. Once it is full, gently, and I mean gently tamp it down, you should be applying no pressure except for the weight of the tamper. This should press it down to either the half way point of the bowl or the 2/3 mark of the bow. Do the same for the top layer; pinch, tap, pinch, tap, press. The only difference with the top fill is that that once you do your final press, it should be the weight of the tamper + a little amount of force, just enough to where its pressed but not enough to where you push the whole bowl down deeper. Another key step is to be tamping often I tamp once probably every 1-2 minutes. When you tamp, don't press the tobacco down, all you're trying to do is use the weight of the tamper to press the ash down, not the whole tobacco stack in the bowl.This is something I’ve always had difficulty with. I now pack my pipe as instructed with the 3 layer method and I’m now using the “breath” method to smoke (which I find greatly reduces tongue bite and the number of relights) but I’ve never been able to smoke the baccy at the bottom of the pipe bowl. Every time I clean it out there’s always some tobacco left unsmoked. I’ve tried relighting to no avail and nothing seems to work. I detest wasting tobacco especially as it’s so expensive, so what am I doing wrong? Is my first layer too lightly packed? Help, please!
It could help, but only marginally. Don't rely on them to prevent any trouble/burning in the heel of the chamber.I’ve been experimenting with one of those little brass screens in the bottom of my cobs. That seems to help protect it from burning the bottom and potentially messing up the draw hole in the stem.
I've been smoking for about 6-7 years now and just recently discovered how to smoke all the way down to the ash. This is what works for me but I offer you to give it a try. It is basically what you've been told, the three layer method. However, this one is a two layer method. Pinch in the amount of tobacco until fills the bowl but in between each pinch, gently tap the outside of your bowl until it all settles. Then continue to pinch until the bowl is full. Once it is full, gently, and I mean gently tamp it down, you should be applying no pressure except for the weight of the tamper. This should press it down to either the half way point of the bowl or the 2/3 mark of the bow. Do the same for the top layer; pinch, tap, pinch, tap, press. The only difference with the top fill is that that once you do your final press, it should be the weight of the tamper + a little amount of force, just enough to where its pressed but not enough to where you push the whole bowl down deeper. Another key step is to be tamping often I tamp once probably every 1-2 minutes. When you tamp, don't press the tobacco down, all you're trying to do is use the weight of the tamper to press the ash down, not the whole tobacco stack in the bowl.
SO happy to hear it worked well for you! I have found it to be the superior method for me. I mean, back in the day, people wouldn't even fuss with it, they'd just scoop up the baccy from the sachet and shove it in there.I normally use the three layer method and get mixed results. I tried your method two days in a row. Two different pipes, two tobaccos. Straight to the bottom of the bowl with a few relights, both times. Fine ash, no moisture in the bottom of the bowl. It tasted good all the way, didn’t get harsh near the bottom as it occasionally does. I will stick with it and see how it goes. Thanks!
Nording Keystones at the bottom of every bowl I smoke -- so many advantages!Im not trying to pick a fight but everyone in the world doesnt smoke pipes the "American way". Things like chips and keystones serve a purpose. For one thing, you get a full smoke that is almost equally good throughout the bowl. Additionally, if you lived somewhere where tobacco took effort to obtain AND cost in excess of 125 a pound you would not feel so great about dumping the bowl with unburnt filter tobacco. Sure, I dont need the chips but I get a better smoke (and a lot of european smokers agree) and I dont dump good tobacco OR punish the bottom of my pipes to get every last bit. The savings in tobacco is likely negligible but it makes me feel better. Also, I like my pipes and I want them to outlast me. If I were ordering bulk in poundage I probably wouldnt worry about it. But then again, Id experiment anway. Oh and BTW, the chips also help keep pipes cleaner so its less maintenence.
When it comes to pipes, if someone suggests a reasonable way to get a better experience I will try it any day of the week...I mean, why not?
I think ... isn't it just better? ...like everything else ...![]()
I’ve taken a liking to charcoal filters too. It takes care of so many potential issues - tongue bite, wet smoke, etc. It allows me to smoke wherever I want with no issues. I’ve thought about trying keystones for my pipes that are not filtered, but just haven’t pulled the trigger. Is Nørding the only one who makes them?Nording Keystones at the bottom of every bowl I smoke -- so many advantages!
For decades I was a "purist" and poo-pood every "gadget", without even giving them a chance.
Now I give things a try. I have found Keystones and charcoal filters indispensable. Also, rubber bit protectors -- particularly on vulcanite cuz I tend to bite through them.