As a Californian, this story may tickle me more than those of you who are well acquainted with snow. I’m using a false name, “Stan,” just to be careful of his privacy.
Stan was one of the pioneers of rock climbing in this country. How he ended up in the LA area to tell me his stories, is a question even he can’t answer. Stan had many reasons to be out in the snow, even during blizzards. As a climber, rescuer, backpacker, and a young male with lord knows what to prove, it was common for Stan to be on the move in the middle of nowhere during even the worst weather.
Stan did not let the elements stand between him and his pipe. When snow began to fall while he was cross-country skiing, Stan would simply turn his pipe upside down and keep pumping his arms away to get to wherever he was going. Stan says that this trick works almost just as well in the rain and does not inhibit the pipe’s ability to smoke, as long as you’ve packed the bowl well.
He let me try a smoke out of his old pipe, my first taste of a vintage briar. Wow! His pipe, which he had used since the 60s, gave me a deep appreciation for a seasoned pipe.
Stan was one of the pioneers of rock climbing in this country. How he ended up in the LA area to tell me his stories, is a question even he can’t answer. Stan had many reasons to be out in the snow, even during blizzards. As a climber, rescuer, backpacker, and a young male with lord knows what to prove, it was common for Stan to be on the move in the middle of nowhere during even the worst weather.
Stan did not let the elements stand between him and his pipe. When snow began to fall while he was cross-country skiing, Stan would simply turn his pipe upside down and keep pumping his arms away to get to wherever he was going. Stan says that this trick works almost just as well in the rain and does not inhibit the pipe’s ability to smoke, as long as you’ve packed the bowl well.
He let me try a smoke out of his old pipe, my first taste of a vintage briar. Wow! His pipe, which he had used since the 60s, gave me a deep appreciation for a seasoned pipe.