Nice shirt! Who made that?!!I've been asked a few times if I ever smoke any of my 19th century pipes. I figured that a picture is definitely worth a thousand words:
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Magnificent really is the word. +1 for photos of it with the stem off for a closer look at the fitting and silver work.
Thank you, George! Great photos and an amazing thread. Clearly, "Magnificent" was--albeit unintended-- tepid praise. And masterpiece, once-in-a-lifetime acquisition, and astonishing piece of pipe history rather closer the mark.1872 Barling Magnum :: British Pipes
I'd pretty much stopped buying pipes but was willing to add something if it was a really special item. Last week Ken Barnes contacted me about this pipe and offered it to me at an exceptional price. While he could have made more money on it, Ken preferred it to go to someone who would
Almost certainly commissioned as a gift to a king or head of state, or some Industrial Age luminary.
Very possibly George. But I think it’s also possible it could have been commissioned as a display trophy meant for Frederick Wright’s main shop. Just a guess, really, but that could account for the little wear it suffered over the decades since it was made.
Says the same guy whose most cherished Barling sits inside a converted Vacutainer membrane-equipped specimen box under 24-7 armed guard---and has never been cleaned---because it can be "seen" in the background at the edge of a grainy newspaper photo of "Marylyn Monroe" teasingly "smoking" it on a bar stool at a "Hollywood party" in 1948.
Just a guess, really, but that "lipstick" could be accounted for by a colony of Monascus purpureus mold that bloomed over the decades since it was made.
You were drunk that night, Jon. Jesse got you. He got you good. You need to stop taking out third and fourth mortages on your house for stuff like that, OK?
I've been asked a few times if I ever smoke any of my 19th century pipes. I figured that a picture is definitely worth a thousand words:
Which reminds me, Jon, that I need a Sixten Ivarsson. ASAP, please.“Sooner will Hitler, Stalin and Mao sit at the banquet following the rapture than he who denies Jesse pecuniary consolation in his hour of need”.
Well, it's a problem. I wouldn't say that my horde is all that wondrous, but I do have some very special pieces that I've picked up over the years. I have left specific instructions in my will regarding the pipes and the cellar, assuming I leave before they do.Jesse,
Most people's collections are just a personal collection. Some certainly unique but that's the extent and their worth is only what they are worth to us. Yours isn't. What I've seen of yours, many are truly museum pieces. Have you given any thought to what you will do with yours when it's time for the big smoking lounge in the sky? It would be nice to see them preserved but what museum would really appreciate them?
Which reminds me, Jon, that I need a Sixten Ivarsson. ASAP, please.
Well, it's a problem. I wouldn't say that my horde is all that wondrous, but I do have some very special pieces that I've picked up over the years. I have left specific instructions in my will regarding the pipes and the cellar, assuming I leave before they do.