I had been suffering from Sleep Apnea. I would fall asleep, but my snoring would wake me up constantly. Sound funny ? Let me tell you.....it's not. You go months on end without ever getting any nice, deep, REM sleep. Its miserable.
Not even thinking about that issue, I took up Pipe Smoking again. After a couple weeks of smoking a couple bowls a day on average.......suddenly......no more Sleep Apnea.
I fall asleep, and STAY asleep ! Deeeeeep REM Sleep ! Ahhhhhhhhh
If I had to offer a reason, I would suggest that my Nasal Passages are ever so slightly more cleared, and this helps me breath at night from my nose.
Link to what Sleep Apnea is http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/health-topics/topics/sleepapnea/
Could smoking a pipe be a cure ?
Perhaps I can get tobacco covered by my heath insurance now ????